Showing posts with label New Look. Show all posts
Be Daring
Monday 20 April 2015
Touches Of White And Blue
Wednesday 8 October 2014
My Thoughts On Jumpsuits
Wednesday 16 July 2014
From A Few Weeks Ago
Wednesday 25 September 2013
The White Oversized T-Shirt
Tuesday 3 September 2013
The Pain Of Wearing A Super Short Skirt
Friday 30 August 2013
All Black
Tuesday 9 July 2013
I don't know why, but I have such a big tendency to wear all black outfits during the summer. Even though people dress in white or bright colours, I'm in an all black ensemble. But I love it :D In this look I went for some colour only in the accessories, the earrings and the pendant (which is actually a brooch that can be worn as a pendant too). The pendant/brooch is a vintage piece that I found at V for Vintage fair and I fell in love with it in a second. Don't know about you guys but it reminded me of the brooch from the Aladdin Disney film (the first one). When Abu also fell in love with a brooch found in the Cave of Wonders and after Aladdin gave it to Jasmine, the monkey tried to steal it. The resemblance between the two brooches is pretty big so my eyes sparkled like Abu's when I saw it at the fair :D
I don't know why, but I have such a big tendency to wear all black outfits during the summer. Even though people dress in white or bright colours, I'm in an all black ensemble. But I love it :D In this look I went for some colour only in the accessories, the earrings and the pendant (which is actually a brooch that can be worn as a pendant too). The pendant/brooch is a vintage piece that I found at V for Vintage fair and I fell in love with it in a second. Don't know about you guys but it reminded me of the brooch from the Aladdin Disney film (the first one). When Abu also fell in love with a brooch found in the Cave of Wonders and after Aladdin gave it to Jasmine, the monkey tried to steal it. The resemblance between the two brooches is pretty big so my eyes sparkled like Abu's when I saw it at the fair :D
I hope you like my outfit :D
Nu stiu de ce dar am asa o tendinta de a ma imbraca numai in negru vara! Desi toata lumea e in alb (nu-l recomand daca mergeti cu transportul in comun in Bucuresti :)))) si in culori deschise si vesele, eu sunt toata in negru! Dar imi place, efectiv iubesc sa port negru vara :D In tinuta asta singurele stropuri mai colorate sunt accesoriile, cerceii si pandantivul (sau mai bine zis brosa, da este o brosa pe care am cumparat-o in special pentru ca am vazut ca o pot purta si ca pandantiv). Respectiva brosa/pandantiv este o piesa vintage pe care am gasit-o la targul V for Vintage si m-am indragostit pe loc de ea, stralucea si era colorata si mare, dar mai ales stralucea!! Nu stiu daca voua va aminteste de ceva, dar mie imi aduce foarte tare cu brosa din Lampa lui Aladdin gasita in pestera aceea plina cu aur. Abu, maimuta, ca si mine s-a indragostit pe loc de brosa, iar dupa ce Aladdin i-a oferit-o cadou lui Jasmine, Abu a incercat sa o fure :)) Mi-a ramas intiparita scena respectiva, mai ales ochii mari ai lui Abu cand se uita la brosa, cam asa si eu :))
Nu stiu de ce dar am asa o tendinta de a ma imbraca numai in negru vara! Desi toata lumea e in alb (nu-l recomand daca mergeti cu transportul in comun in Bucuresti :)))) si in culori deschise si vesele, eu sunt toata in negru! Dar imi place, efectiv iubesc sa port negru vara :D In tinuta asta singurele stropuri mai colorate sunt accesoriile, cerceii si pandantivul (sau mai bine zis brosa, da este o brosa pe care am cumparat-o in special pentru ca am vazut ca o pot purta si ca pandantiv). Respectiva brosa/pandantiv este o piesa vintage pe care am gasit-o la targul V for Vintage si m-am indragostit pe loc de ea, stralucea si era colorata si mare, dar mai ales stralucea!! Nu stiu daca voua va aminteste de ceva, dar mie imi aduce foarte tare cu brosa din Lampa lui Aladdin gasita in pestera aceea plina cu aur. Abu, maimuta, ca si mine s-a indragostit pe loc de brosa, iar dupa ce Aladdin i-a oferit-o cadou lui Jasmine, Abu a incercat sa o fure :)) Mi-a ramas intiparita scena respectiva, mai ales ochii mari ai lui Abu cand se uita la brosa, cam asa si eu :))
Sper sa va placa tinuta, si stati pe aproape ca in postul urmator am sa va arat ce am cumparat nou in ultimele luni :D
New Yorker - Top
Zara - Trousers
New Look - Sandals
Parfois - Bag
H&M - Belt & Earrings
Vintage Brooch
Accessorize - Cameo Ring
Random Brand - Peacock Ring
Until my next post!
Saturday 29 June 2013
You all know how much I love flower prints :D Today I have for you a beautiful outfit with a gorgeous flower printed blouse which I wore for the first time in this photo shoot (I have it in my closet for over a year)! I hope you'll like it!
Has the sales season started in your countries yet?
Here it just begun (weirdly early in my opinion) and it's a total chaos in the stores! Unfortunately for me I'm hunting for some trousers and this whole situation is not exactly on my taste! But I'm hopping to find what I'm looking for, eventually. So keep your fingers crossed for me :D
Banuiesc ca stiti deja cat de mult iubesc imprimeurile florale, nu? Astazi am o frumoasa tinuta compusa in jurul acestei minunate bluze pe care am cumparat-o acum un an si n-am reusit sa o port decat in ziua in care am avut aceasta sedinta foto! Sper sa va placa :D
Nu vi se pare putin ciudat ca au inceput reducerile deja? Pe mine una ma cam irita treaba asta! Sunt in cautare de o pereche de pantaloni subtiri, perfecti pentru vara si nu gasesc nimic! Toate hainele sunt ingramadite, piese din colectii vechi, niciun S sau XS, sa nu mai vorbesc de marimile distorsionate de la Zara (ce se intampla cu ei nu inteleg). Am fost sa-mi caut niste pantaloni (vazusem pe site niste chestii foarte tari), evident ca nu am gasit mai nimic. Trebuie sa recunosc ca totusi am gasit o pereche de pantaloni, galben mustar, XS, eu in culmea fericirii, fericire care nu a durat mult. Cand i-am probat erau imensi, atat de largi in talie, incat erau potriviti mai degraba pentru un L decat XS (si va spun eu ca nu sunt genul de om extra slab, au stricat ei masurile si evident ca nu poti gasi nimic calumea). Am plecat tare dezamagita :( Voua vi s-a intamplat asta la Zara pana acum (ma refer la masuratori, ca sa te duci sa cauti ceva si sa nu gasesti sunt sigura ca ati patit-o)?
H&M - Blouse
New Look - Skirt
New Look - Sandals
Random Brand - Bracelet
SIX - Rings
Until my next post!
Stripped Blouse
Thursday 13 June 2013
Hello, my dears!
Have you missed me? How is everyone doing?
I've finally finished almost all my exams, I'm saying almost because I have one more, but that's in about 2 weeks, so I'm free for the moment :D
I've prepared for today another outfit post, with a vertical stripped blouse. Not the stereotype that we all have seen everywhere lately with big black and white stripes, this one is a bit more simple and oversized :D
As you have already guessed by now, I like combining different prints, and for today I have a mixture of stripes and leopard print :D Yes, I have the two most used/loved/how ever you want to call them trends combined together. As for the result, I like it, and I hope you like it too.
So, what do you guys think about my outfit?
Ce mai faceti, dragele mele? V'a fost dor de mine?
In sfarsit am terminat aproape toate examenele, spun aproape pentru ca mai am unul, care e undeva departe, pe la sfarsitul lunii, asa ca pot spune ca am inceput vacanta :D
Am pregatit o noua tinuta pentru azi, cu o bluza cu dungi verticale. Nu este stereotipul pe care l'ati vazut prin mai toate magazinele si pe majoritatea blogurilor, stiti voi celebra bluza cu dungi groase in alb si negru! A mea e ceva mai simpla si mai veche si mai larga (e un M, si fiind si oversized, un pic mare de mine, dar am cumparat'o oricum) :))
Dupa cum ati vazut, imi place sa combin diferite imprimeuri, iar pentru azi am un mix de dungi si leopard :D Da, cele mai iubite/utilizate/mediatizate/sau cum vreti voi sa le numiti trenduri ale acestui an combinate! Eu zic ca arata bine, si sper sa va placa si voua>
Asa ca, ce parere aveti de tinuta de azi?
Bershka - Blouse
New Look - Leggings
Zara - Flats
New Look - Belt
Accessorize - Necklace
No Name - Bracelet
H&M - Ring
Until my next post!
It's Not Spring, It's Summer Alright!!!
Monday 13 May 2013
I wanted the spring to come so badly and after it finally came I was a bit disappointed due to the fact that I am not able to wear my blazers and other clothes. Don't know about your countries, but in Romania the hot weather came too soon (there are around 27-30 degrees here) so you can't really wear jackets, blazers and other pieces you would normally wear during this time of year.
For example for today's outfit I had a blazer with me, one that I love very much, but I wore it only for 10 minutes to take some pictures, because it was so warm outside that I thought I would die with the blazer on :))
So you guys will have to wait for the fall to come to see me wear jackets and other pieces like that or hope for some cold weather during this month, because, trust me, starting from June I won't be able to wear anything but tops and dresses (and even with those on I'll fell extremely hot)!
Mi'am dorit atat de mult sa se duca iarna si sa vina primavara, insa am fost extrem de dezamagita de vreme cu care a venit. Este mult prea cald pentru perioada asta a anului, cel putin in Bucuresti, si nu pot purta niciun sacou, iar geci de piele nici sa nu'mi treaca prin minte, din nefericire :(
Spre exemplu in tinuta de azi am un sacou pe care il ador, dar desi l'am luat in ziua respectiva pentru a'l purta, nu am putut sa o fac. L'am tinut pe mine vreo 10 minute cat am facut cateva poze, apoi l'am tinut in mana toata ziua. Cred ca daca il purtam muream de cald la propriu :))
Asa ca daca vreti sa ma vedeti purtand sacouri si geci sau alte haine pe care le'as purta in mod normal in perioada asta va trebui sa asteptati pana la toamna sau sa va rugati sa vina cateva zile de vreme rece :D Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ca vine luna iunie peste aproximativ 2 saptamani cu niste temperaturi ingrozitoare, sunt sigura de asta!
The Good Old Sunny Days
Friday 28 December 2012
These pictures were taken a while ago, when the weather was just right in Bucharest, not too hot, not too cold! I think they were taken the day that I went to the Fashion Bazaar Fair. So taking a break from the holidays, I'm going back in the past when everything was green and the sun was shinny (that sounds a bit cheesy). And finally another post about me and my personal style! Even though I have alot of pictures to show you guys, time is a huge problem with me, cuz I have to select what to show you, and correct them a bit if it's necessary, and put my trademark there too, so....Yeah, but I'm coming back slowly now, you'll see much more of me from now on!
Pozele astea au fost facute in urma cu vreo 2 luni cred, cand vremea era numai potrivita in Bucuresti, nici prea cald sa te sufoci intr'o rochie ca asta pe care o port, nici prea frig, ca sa tremuri! Cred ca au fost facute in ziua in care am fost la targul Fashion Bazaar. Asa ca hai sa luam o pauza de la toata agitatia asta specifica sarbatorilor si sa ne intoarcem un pic in trecut cand totul era verde si soarele stralucea puternic (uite cata inspiratie si cat spirit poetic pe capul meu). Si in sfarsit un post despre mine si numai despre mine (si vremea frumoasa de atunci, pe langa) si stilul meu personal! Chiar daca pe langa pozele astea, in ultimele 2 luni am mai facut si altele ca sa va arat, timpul este o problema fundamentala la mine (la care mai adaugam si o doza mare de lene), pentru ca tb sa selectez pozele, sa le aranjez un pic daca e nevoie si sa imi pun acolo si trademark'ul, asa ca...Dar incetul cu incetul revin in prim plan, si veti vedea mai multe despre mine si cu mine de acum inainte :D
Fashion Bazar,
H and M,
My Style,
New Look,
New Yorker,
personal style,
sunny days
Black and White - Animal Print
Monday 22 October 2012
Hello there!
So I haven't posted anything with my personal style for a while now and it's about time to do a post with me :D These pictures where taken after the Absolutely Fabulous vintage fair (so they are like 1 month and a half old, something like that) in the historical center in Bucharest. The outfit was composed of an old Zara blouse (I think I bought it like 3 years ago and wore it twice, even though I love it so much, I don't know why I'm not wearing it more) and a leopard print dress made skirt by me (hated how it looked as a dress and never wear it so I had to transform it or get rid of it, I chose the first one and I think I made a really good choice) as main pieces. The accessories aren't that many, I wanted a cameo necklace, but changed my mind. I went for an old-new look (the victorian style blouse and the leopard print skirt) and I felt really good in it. Enough with the chat, I don't want you to get bored! So enjoy the photos (well I hope you'll enjoy)!
P.S.: I know one of my earings is torn, but I saw that too late and couldn't do the pics all over again!
N'am mai postat poze cu stilul meu personal de ceva vreme si cred ca este timpul sa fac un post in care eu sa fiu in cetrul atentiei :D Pozele astea au fost facute imediat dupa targul vintage Absolutely fabulous (asa ca au cam o luna si jumatate vechime, ceva de genul) in centrul istoric din Bucuresti. Tinuta a fost alcatuita dintr'o bluza Zara (veche de vreo 3 ani, purtata de vreo 2 ori, nu stiu de ce o port asa de rar avand in vedere ca e una din piesele mele preferate) si o fosta rochie cu print de leopard transformata in fusta de catre mine (ca rochie am urat'o la propriu, nu stiu de ce am cumparat'o, asa ca aveam 2 optiuni fie o transform, fie o arunc, am ales prima varianta si cred ca am facut o alegere tare buna) ca piese principale. Accesoriile nu sunt foarte multe, vroiam sa adaug un lant cu pandantiv cameo, dar m'am razgandit. Am mers pe ideea unul look nou/vechi (bluza in stil victorian si fusta cu imprimeu de leopard) si chiar m'am simtit bine in tinuta asta. De ajuns cu vorba, nu vreau sa va plictisesc, asa ca va las sa va bucurati de poze (sper sa va placa)!
P.S.: Stiu ca un cercel e intors, dar am vazut abia dupa ce am facut pozele si nu aveam rabdarea necesara sa le fac din nou!
black and white,
H and M,
leopard print,
New Look,
personal style,
Flower Power
Friday 21 September 2012
This is by far the ugliest day from the last 3-4months! It started raining last night around 10pm and never stopped, it's still raining. Today I've had my master admission exam, not the best experience of my life I might say, but I'm happy that it's finished, if I enter that program it will be nice, but if not I have another master where I could go. For this ugly day, I have photos from a sunny one, that reminds me of the summer that just passed. This is one of my favorite dresses mostly because of the print (I adore flower prints) and the fact that it doesn't make me look big or stuff like that, if you know what I mean, and also it's very comfortable.
Ziua de astazi este de departe ce'a mai urata din ultimele 3-4 luni! A inceput sa ploua noaptea trecuta pe la ora 10 si nu s'a mai oprit, inca ploua! Azi am avut si examenul de admitere la masterat, nu cea mai placuta experienta din viata asta, insa sunt fericita ca a trecut. Daca intru la programul respectiv bine, daca nu am alt masterat la care ma pot duce. Asa ca pentru ziua asta mohorata am pregatit poze dintr'o zi frumoasa si calduroasa, care imi aminteste de vara ce tocmai a trecut. Aceasta este una dintre rochiile mele preferate, in special datorita imprimeului (iubesc imprimeurile florale) si pentru ca nu ma face sa par enorma in ea sau ceva de genul asta, daca stiti la ce ma refer, si pe deasupra este si extrem de confortabila.
floral dress,
flower power,
flower print,
H and M,
My Style,
New Look,
Swallow Print
Tuesday 11 September 2012
I was obsessed with this print for a while and wasn't able to find anything in the stores! Seen many pieces with this type of pattern in online shops, but I wasn't sure of the fabric and if the clothes will look good on me, you know stuff like that. But thank god, H&M exists and while I was looking through the store found this really cute dress with the swallow print! So guess what, I bought it! And I think I made a great choice, because it's very versatile! Here I'm wearing it in a more casual look, maybe if the fall doesn't come so fast I'll have the chance to show it to you in a more elegant outfit.
De o groaza de vreme am fost (si inca sunt) obsedata de hainele cu imprimeu de randunica pe ele si din pacate nu reuseam sa gasesc nimic prin magazinele de la noi! Evident se gaseau o multime de haine cu imprimeul asta in magazinele online, dar sincer nu eram foarte sigura nici de material, nici de masura, daca nu'mi venea bine ce faceam, stiti voi ce zic aici. Dar slava domnului ca exista H&M (desi la inceput n'am fost mare fan, nici acum nu ma pot numi, dar mai gasesc unele chestii dragute) si cum ma plimbam eu prin magazin vad intr'un colt rochia asta cu imprimeu de randunele pe ea! Evident ca am fost extra fericita si am cumparat'o fara sa stau pe ganduri. Si cred ca am facut o alegere tare buna, pentru ca este foarte versatila. Aici spre exemplu o port intr-o tinuta ceva mai casual, si poate daca nu vine vremea rea asa repede o sa am sansa sa v'o arat si intr'o tinuta mai eleganta.
Look how big this glass is! And it was full of pineapple lemonade!
Vedeti ce mare e paharul! A fost plin cu limonada de ananas!
H and M,
My Style,
New Look,
personal style,
swallow print
While It's Still Sunny
Monday 3 September 2012
The summer ended, as well as my vacation (well literally speaking - I'm still free, but have to write an essay, read some books, you know stuff like that for my master admission - such a blast). But I'm not sad, at least it's warm and sunny outside and I can still sleep till noon! So another quick post with the outfit that I had at my graduation this summer!
Uite asa s'a dus si vara, cu tot cu vacanta mea (teoretic sunt inca in vacanta, practic nu prea - trebuie sa scriu un eseu, sa citesc niste carti, chestii de genul asta, stiti voi la ce ma refer, pt. admiterea la master - e tare "distractiv"). Da nu este asa un capat de tara, sa privim partea buna a lucrurilor, afara e inca soare si cald si macar pot sa dorm pana pe la pranz! Asa ca un post rapid cu tinuta pe care am purtat'o la festivitatea de absolvire din vara asta!
Asymmetrical Lace Dress
Saturday 18 August 2012
Hello there!
Today I'm going to post an outfit from like 2months ago, with the dress that I wore at my graduation prom. It's not something very fancy, I don't really like the typical dress that all the girls wear for this type of occasions, I like more comfortable clothes, especialy for long nights :D Before founding this dress I was quite stresses out, cause I didn't had the time to go to look for something and I wasn't in the mood either, also I wanted something cheap (cuz I hate buying expensive clothes, wear them once and after that keeping them in the closet and never wear them again), so good luck with that. But, one day while I was looking for a day dress for this summer, I've entered a bit at H&M just to see what they had new there, and in a corner I saw this dress, well actualy I saw lace, and when I see lace I can't see anything else :D The colour wasn't exactly on my taste, but I couldn't find it in another colour so I thought I should try it, no harm from that no. So I did that, and well it looked good, was cheap (only 28$ / 22euros, can u believe it!!!), was made out of lace, so I bought it, after all I had some time to buy something else if by any chance I would have changed my mind.
That's the story behind this dress, the other stuff that I wore I already had it in my closet, except the necklace that I bought it a week before the prom.
So nothing very fancy, pretty comfortable, I hope you like it!
Azi am sa postez o tinuta de acum 2 luni, mai exact rochia pe care am purtat'o la balul de absolvire (urasc atat de mult cuvantul "bal", suna foarte chicios in mintea mea). Nu e ceva pretentios sau extra elegant, personal nu ma omor dupa rochiile standard care se poarta pe la genul asta de evenimente, multe sunt asa de chicioase, zici ca esti la nunta (nu sunt mare fan al nuntilor), prefer rochiile ceva mai comode, mai ales daca trebuie sa stai o noapte intreaga in ea :D Inainte sa gasesc rochia asta, am fost tare stresata, pentru ca nu aveam nici timp nici chef sa alerg dupa rochii, si vroiam si ceva ieftin (asta pentru ca urasc sa cumpar haine scumpe, sa le port o singura data si dupa sa le tin in sifonier si sa se puna praful pe ele). Clar aveam niste cerinte imense! Dar intr'o zi, in timp ce cautam o alta rochie, asta pentru o zi calduroasa de vara, mi s'a pus pata ca vreau rochie lunga, si daca ti se pune totii stim cum e :D Si cum tot eram prin mall, am zis sa trec si pe la H&M sa vad ce mai au nou, si intr'un colt am vazut rochia asta, de fapt am vazut multa dantela, si cand vad dantela, nu mai vad nimic altceva :D Culoarea nu era tocmai din gama mea de culori, dar n'am gasit'o in alta culoare, asa ca am probat'o asa cum era. Spre surprinderea mea chiar pica bine pe mine si cum era ieftina (doar 99lei daca va vine sa credeti) si mai ales era din dantela, am cumparat'o, eventual daca nu vroiam sa o port la bal, aveam timp sa cumpar altceva.
Asta e povestea din spatele rochiei, celelalte chestii pe care le'am purtat se gaseau deja in sifonier, mai putin pandantivul pe care l'am cumparat cu o saptamana inainte de petrecere.
Asa ca nimic extravagant, destul de comfortabil, sper sa va placa!
Lace dress - H&M, Sandals - New Look, Belt - Zara, Necklace - No name, Ring - Accessorize, Watch - Oasis, Clutch - New Look
Until my next post!
asymmetrical dress,
H and M,
lace dress,
My Style,
New Look,
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