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Flower Power

This is by far the ugliest day from the last 3-4months! It started raining last night around 10pm and never stopped, it's still raining. Today I've had my master admission exam, not the best experience of my life I might say, but I'm happy that it's finished, if I enter that program it will be nice, but if not I have another master where I could go. For this ugly day, I have photos from a sunny one, that reminds me of the summer that just passed. This is one of my favorite dresses mostly because of the print (I adore flower prints) and the fact that it doesn't make me look big or stuff like that, if you know what I mean, and also it's very comfortable.

Ziua de astazi este de departe ce'a mai urata din ultimele 3-4 luni! A inceput sa ploua noaptea trecuta pe la ora 10 si nu s'a mai oprit, inca ploua! Azi am avut si examenul de admitere la masterat, nu cea mai placuta experienta din viata asta, insa sunt fericita ca a trecut. Daca intru la programul respectiv bine, daca nu am alt masterat la care ma pot duce. Asa ca pentru ziua asta mohorata am pregatit poze dintr'o zi frumoasa si calduroasa, care imi aminteste de vara ce tocmai a trecut. Aceasta este una dintre rochiile mele preferate, in special datorita imprimeului (iubesc imprimeurile florale) si pentru ca nu ma face sa par enorma in ea sau ceva de genul asta, daca stiti la ce ma refer, si pe deasupra este si extrem de confortabila.

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