Showing posts with label Zara. Show all posts
Friday 20 December 2013
White And Porcelain Print
Monday 26 August 2013
1. Asos - White Skirt (find it here)
2. Asos - Gold Bracelets (find them here)
3. PersunMall - Blouse (find it here)
4. PersunMall - Bag (find it here)
5. Zara - Sandals
Until my next post!
Electric Blue And Harem Pants
Friday 7 June 2013
Have I ever told you how much I love blue? I guess not! It's one of my favourite colours, and I'm not talking here about light blue, pastels are not really my thing, but about the powerful blue, electric blue or how others call it regal blue! So this post is dedicated to the blue colour!
As you can see another blouse with a crocheted lace in its upper part (you know my obsession with lace) which is pretty old, I think it has like 4years and I wore it for like 6times! In the past I had a tendency of buying clothes even though they weren't my style then and stock them in my closet (I still have a brand new Zara dress with the tag on):)) In the past colour wasn't really my thing, I was more of a black/grey kind of girl! But people change :D
Do you guys like this shade of blue?
I hope you like this post and if you wanna see more of me then check out and like my Facebook page.
V'am spus vreodata cat de mult imi place albastrul? Nu cred, dar acum stiti :D Este una dintre culorile mele preferate, si nu ma refer aici la albastru deschis, pastelurile nu sunt deloc pe gustul meu, ci la albastrul acela puternic, albastrul electric sau, asa cum il mai numesc unii, albastru regal! Asadar, acest post este dedicat acestei culori!
Asa cum puteti vedea inca o bluza cu partea superioara facuta din dantela crosetata (stiti deja cat de obsedata sunt de dantela, ador orice forma a ei oricat de mica ar fi) care este destul de veche, are undeva in jur de 4 ani si am purtat'o de vreo 6 ori in tot acest timp! In trecut aveam prostul obicei de a cumpara tot felul de haine, care, desi imi placeau, nu le'as fi purtat in perioada respectiva, deoarece nu se potriveau deloc silului meu de atunci. Asa ca le stocam in sifonier, bine ca nu le'am aruncat :)) Spre exemplu si acum am in sifonier o rochie nou nouta de la Zara, are pana si eticheta, cumparata acum vreo 5 ani!!! Vedeti voi, in trecut nu prea ma imbracam colorat, eram mai degraba genul de persoana care se imbraca in negru si gri in mare! Dar, hey, oamenii se mai schimba :D
Ce spuneti, voua va place nuanta asta de albastru?
Sper sa va placa acest post, iar daca vreti sa vedeti cam ce mai fac, ce mai spun, atunci va invit pe pagina mea/blogului de Facebook.
It Took Me A While...
Thursday 30 May 2013
It took me almost a week to put this outfit post together! Between exams, projects, university ( exams started while classes were still on), personal problems and others I've postponed this post! But now its on! Do you love my top? I was in search of a top with crochet lace in the upper part for a while and when I found this one I was in love :D
I hope you will enjoy these pictures and stay tuned for other interesting posts! And if you want to hear more from me you can find me on my blogs Facebook Page where I'm more active :D
N'am crezut ca o sa reusesc saptamana asta sa postez ceva nou! Am avut programul full, examene, proiecte, cursuri pe la facultate (s'au gandit ca e bine sa amestece cursurile cu examenele, sa ne creeze senzatii tari :))), o tona de probleme personale si tot asa! Am tot amanat sa sortez pozele pe care le'am facut pentru azi destul de mult (nu de alta erau vreo 200+, sunt maniaca atunci cand vine vorba de poze si fac cat mai multe pentru ca stiu ca in proportie de 80% nu'mi plac), dar am reusit in sfarsit, printre picaturi sa termin :D
Nu'i asa ca va place bluza mea? Am tot alergat dupa un top ca asta ceva vreme! Vroiam eu unul sa fie cu dantela in partea de sus, dar dantela de calitate, sa semene cu bluzele din perioada edwardiana (cele care aveau acele decupaje de dantela in partea de sus), si nu gaseam de fel. Pana cand am dat de bluza asta intr'un colt la H&M, la ei trebuie sa ai rabdare sa cauti, ceea ce eu nu prea am :))
Sper sa va placa tinuta mea si stati pe aproape ca mai urmeaza si altele! Si daca vreti sa fiti mai aproape de mine ma gasiti mai activa pe pagina de Facebook a blogului. :D
Shades Of Grey And A Drop Of Yellow
Tuesday 7 May 2013
A new outfit post in shades of grey and a small drop of yellow! The photos were taken during a colder day of spring and I was able to wear a blazer, because lately in Bucharest you can barely stay in a top, that hot the weather is. There are also a series of "behind the scenes" for this post, which you guys will see in my next post, so stay tuned!
By the way I've changed my blog design a little bit, it's more light now, I hope you'll like it!
O noua tinuta in nuante de gri de aceasta data si cu un strop de galben! Pozele au fost facute intr'o zi racoroasa de primavara cand inca mai puteai purta un sacou subtire, pentru ca in ultima vreme in Bucuresti abia poti sta cu un top pe tine, atat de cald este! Mai am si o serie de poze "din spatele scenei" ca sa zic asa, pe care le veti vedea in urmatorul post, asa ca stati pe aproape!
Am facut si cateva mici schimbari la designul blogului, este un pic mai aerisit acum si sper ca va place!
Romantic Vibe In Black And White
Thursday 11 April 2013
I think this blouse is by far one of my best investments this year (I have 2 more, beside this one :D). From the first moment I saw it I was in love!
These pictures were taken in a windy day, but my hair stayed in place (you know like in those commercials from TV)! Also these are my last pictures where my hair is longer, I've cut it about a week ago, you'll see pictures soon enough (don't imagine that I have short hair now, not at all :D).
So less talk, more pictures! Enjoy!
Jur ca bluza asta este de departe una din cele mai bune investitii facute de mine in ultima vreme (mai am vreo 2 la fel de tari pe care trebuie sa vi le arat :D). Din prima clipa in care am vazut'o, m'am indragostit de ea (ce sa mai, dragostea la prima vedere exista!!!!).
Pozele astea le'am facut intr'o zi cu un vant ingrozitor, dar coafura a rezistat (va amintiti reclamele alea de la TV nu?, cam asa cu parul meu)! De asemenea, astea sunt ultimele fotografii in care am parul lung, ca sa zic asa, pentru ca l'am tuns acum o saptamana, veti vedea poze (nu va imaginati ca e scurt acum sau cine stie ce).
Asa ca, mai putina vorba, mai multe poze!
Blue Printed Dress
Thursday 28 March 2013
Hey guys, did you miss me?! Joking! I am very lazy and always neglecting my little blog, but today I decided to write a new post. So a new outfit post with me :D Winter came again in Romania, 2 days ago and yesterday was awful in Bucharest, powerful wind and lots of snow and I'm so sad that I can't wear my leather jackets and blazers yet :( But, good news, it seems that next week will be very warm! And I have other posts prepared for you guys!
V'a fost dor de mine nu?! Glumesc! Am o lene de toata frumusetea in mine care nu ma ajuta foarte tare, mai ales ca si blogul are de suferit din cauza asta (ar fi bune niste pastile pentru asta, nu!), dar azi am decis sa fac un nou post. Asa ca subiectul principal sunt eu azi :D Pe langa toate astea, vremea in Romania este oribila, vant, zapada, eu inotand prin zapada (mai bine zis baltile care au ramas dupa topirea zapezii), este mirific de'a dreptul (daca observati ironia). Si eram asa fericita saptamana trecuta ca se incalzise...speram sa incep sa port gecile de piele si sacourile, dar se pare ca vremea nu vrea sa ma ajute. Dar, pumnii stransi, caci se pare ca saptamana viitoare se incalzeste, vine primavara!!!!
Pe langa asta mai am si alte posturi pregatite pentru voi, asa ca fiti pe faza!
Newest From Zara
Saturday 23 February 2013
My Style,
new collection,
pearl necklaces,
tribal print,
Baroque Print and Studded Leather
Tuesday 5 February 2013
Finally a post about my personal style!!! I've been so lazy lately, after finishing with exams and all, I've isolated myself in my home and I've been hibernating like a bear sleeping alot, drinking teas (my new obsession, I have tones in my house and still buying them, yeah a bit crazy I know), watching all kinds of tv shows and movies and mostly doing nothing all day long, not even writing a tiny little thing on my blog. I feel so guilty all of a sudden! By the way, I found a new tv show (yes in my laziness, I'm surfing the Internet at least, and that because I get bored), called "Smash", which is awesome! I hate musicals (and I'm not a big fan of "Glee") and this show is about the making of a musical about Marilyn Monroe (you see what I mean, but....)! I was sceptical about it, but I gave it a chance, and that was the best thing I could do! The show is great, not at all the typical musical, you have some great songs here and there sung by people who have amazing voices, but about the work that goes behind making a musical, the behind the scenes and all! You should try it, I promise that you won't regret it!
Now about my outfit.
As you all know from my previous post, I love baroque :D and when I saw this trousers at Zara, well, I had to have them! Also I was searching for a leather jacket for about two years now, wasn't able to find something on my taste or something to fit me, and also in a normal price range, cuz lately the prices, on almost every store, for leather jackets are over the top, but this one fits all the criteria.
In sfarsit un post despre stilul meu personal!!! Am cazut intr'o stare de leneveala dupa ce am terminat cu examenele, m'am baricadat in casa la propriu si am hibernat ca un urs dormit foarte mult, baut ceaiuri (am facut o adevarata obsesie pentru ele, am o groaza acum si tot cumpar, o doza mica de nebunie nu? :))), urmarit tot felul de seriale si filme, in mare n'am facut si nu fac inca nimic toata ziua, nici macar nu scriu un rand mic la blog. Dintr'o data m'au cuprins remuscarile! Apropo, am descoperit un serial nou (da cu toata lenea in care m'am cufundat mai reusesc sa navighez pe internet, din plictiseala nu de alta), ma rog are un an deja, dar surprinzator l'am ratat, nu stiu cum. Se numeste "Smash" si e absolut genial!!! De fel urasc musicalurile, nu le suport (pana si "Glee" ma calca pe nervi) si show'ul asta, culmea, este despre un musical inspirat din viata lui Marilyn Monroe (cred ca asta m'a atras la el). Am fost sceptica (vedeti cat de mult imi displac...dar...), dar i'am dat o sansa, si tare bine am facut! Serialul e grozav, nu este deloc musicalul tipic, clasic ca sa spun asa, ai cantece foarte bune pe ici pe colo, cantate de oameni cu voci superbe, ci este despre munca depusa pentru producerea unui musical, ce se intampla in spatele scenelor si chestii de genul (deci nu o sa'i vedeti pe actori cantand si topaind tot serialul, slava domnului :D)!! Ar trebui sa'l incercati, promit ca nu o sa regretati (sau daca da, nu ma injurati va rog :P)!
Si acum despre tinuta mea.
Dupa cum ati vazut in postul trecut, iubesc barocul :D si cand am vazut pantalonii astia la Zara, si dupa ce i'am probat si mi'au venit, am crezu ca mi'a pus Dumnezeu mana in cap :)) Evident ca a trebuit sa'i cumpar! Apoi de vreo doi ani tot imi caut o jacketa de piele si nu gasesc, sunt ori prea mari, ori manecile prea lungi (am mainile tare scurte, serios), fie sunt ingrozitor de urate sau exorbitant de scumpe, in ultima vreme au niste preturi de te uiti crucis! Dar asta a fost si rezonabila ca pret, mi'a venit si bine, are si tinte, e si stylish ce pot sa cer mai mult (tot de la Zara)!!!
H and M,
leather jacket,
mary jane shoes,
My Style,
personal style,
studded leather,
Flowers and Lace
Wednesday 9 January 2013
Hey guys and Happy New Year to everyone!
A long time no see would be good right now, but I'll skip it this time :D The exams are starting soon for me and I have tones of essays to write and my little blog will have to suffer a bit because of that :( But today I have a quick post with my outfit from V for Vintage fair, I hope you'll like it. I also was featured here when I wore this outfit => Atelier Perwoll (I'm sorry the article is in romanian so...)
Salutare si un An Nou Fericit tuturor!
Iar a trecut ceva vreme de la ultimul post, dar n'am sa intru in amanunte de data aceasta :D Examenele se apropie rapid si am o tona de referate de facut (ca in mare la master cam in asta constau examenele), iar blogul va avea de suferit din nou :( Insa azi un post rapid cu tinuta de la targul V for Vintage, care sper eu sa va placa. Am facut si subiectul unui mic articol cand am purtat aceasta tinuta, il gasiti aici => Atelier Perwoll.
flower print,
Mineli Boutique,
My Style,
personal style,
v for vintage,
Let's Call Them Snapshots
Thursday 13 December 2012
Here are a couple of pictures of me during my short trip, not taken to be put on my blog as outfit pictures, just normal photos. I'm showing them to you just to make an idea as what my outfit (well a part of it, I don't really have a head to toe photo) looked like. I should mention that I don't really wear sweaters and what I had on me were practically my warmest clothes :D But I wasn't cold, it was ok.
Azi am sa va arat cateva poze cu mine din scurta excursie pe care am facut'o saptamana trecuta in Brasov. Nu va imaginati ca sunt poze wow, special facute pentru a fi puse pe blog pentru a va arata tinuta, nici pe departe, sunt fotografii normale (adevarul e ca la cat de obosita eram numai de poze de pus pe blog nu'mi ardea :))). Vi le arat ca sa va faceti o idee cam cum arata tinuta mea din ziua respectiva (si cum aratam eu dupa doar 3ore de somn :D). N'am poze din cap pana'n picioare, asa ca tin sa mentionez ca aveam blugi drepti si ghete in partea de jos, ceva normal pentru munte. Si astea sunt cele mai groase haine ale mele, eu nu port pullovere (sunt certata cu ele, dar cred ca ar tb sa ma impac :))). Oricum nu mi'a fost frig, in Brasov nu sufla "crivatul" ca in Bucuresti de te ia pe sus la propriu.
Black and White - Animal Print
Monday 22 October 2012
Hello there!
So I haven't posted anything with my personal style for a while now and it's about time to do a post with me :D These pictures where taken after the Absolutely Fabulous vintage fair (so they are like 1 month and a half old, something like that) in the historical center in Bucharest. The outfit was composed of an old Zara blouse (I think I bought it like 3 years ago and wore it twice, even though I love it so much, I don't know why I'm not wearing it more) and a leopard print dress made skirt by me (hated how it looked as a dress and never wear it so I had to transform it or get rid of it, I chose the first one and I think I made a really good choice) as main pieces. The accessories aren't that many, I wanted a cameo necklace, but changed my mind. I went for an old-new look (the victorian style blouse and the leopard print skirt) and I felt really good in it. Enough with the chat, I don't want you to get bored! So enjoy the photos (well I hope you'll enjoy)!
P.S.: I know one of my earings is torn, but I saw that too late and couldn't do the pics all over again!
N'am mai postat poze cu stilul meu personal de ceva vreme si cred ca este timpul sa fac un post in care eu sa fiu in cetrul atentiei :D Pozele astea au fost facute imediat dupa targul vintage Absolutely fabulous (asa ca au cam o luna si jumatate vechime, ceva de genul) in centrul istoric din Bucuresti. Tinuta a fost alcatuita dintr'o bluza Zara (veche de vreo 3 ani, purtata de vreo 2 ori, nu stiu de ce o port asa de rar avand in vedere ca e una din piesele mele preferate) si o fosta rochie cu print de leopard transformata in fusta de catre mine (ca rochie am urat'o la propriu, nu stiu de ce am cumparat'o, asa ca aveam 2 optiuni fie o transform, fie o arunc, am ales prima varianta si cred ca am facut o alegere tare buna) ca piese principale. Accesoriile nu sunt foarte multe, vroiam sa adaug un lant cu pandantiv cameo, dar m'am razgandit. Am mers pe ideea unul look nou/vechi (bluza in stil victorian si fusta cu imprimeu de leopard) si chiar m'am simtit bine in tinuta asta. De ajuns cu vorba, nu vreau sa va plictisesc, asa ca va las sa va bucurati de poze (sper sa va placa)!
P.S.: Stiu ca un cercel e intors, dar am vazut abia dupa ce am facut pozele si nu aveam rabdarea necesara sa le fac din nou!
black and white,
H and M,
leopard print,
New Look,
personal style,
Flower Power
Friday 21 September 2012
This is by far the ugliest day from the last 3-4months! It started raining last night around 10pm and never stopped, it's still raining. Today I've had my master admission exam, not the best experience of my life I might say, but I'm happy that it's finished, if I enter that program it will be nice, but if not I have another master where I could go. For this ugly day, I have photos from a sunny one, that reminds me of the summer that just passed. This is one of my favorite dresses mostly because of the print (I adore flower prints) and the fact that it doesn't make me look big or stuff like that, if you know what I mean, and also it's very comfortable.
Ziua de astazi este de departe ce'a mai urata din ultimele 3-4 luni! A inceput sa ploua noaptea trecuta pe la ora 10 si nu s'a mai oprit, inca ploua! Azi am avut si examenul de admitere la masterat, nu cea mai placuta experienta din viata asta, insa sunt fericita ca a trecut. Daca intru la programul respectiv bine, daca nu am alt masterat la care ma pot duce. Asa ca pentru ziua asta mohorata am pregatit poze dintr'o zi frumoasa si calduroasa, care imi aminteste de vara ce tocmai a trecut. Aceasta este una dintre rochiile mele preferate, in special datorita imprimeului (iubesc imprimeurile florale) si pentru ca nu ma face sa par enorma in ea sau ceva de genul asta, daca stiti la ce ma refer, si pe deasupra este si extrem de confortabila.
floral dress,
flower power,
flower print,
H and M,
My Style,
New Look,
While It's Still Sunny
Monday 3 September 2012
The summer ended, as well as my vacation (well literally speaking - I'm still free, but have to write an essay, read some books, you know stuff like that for my master admission - such a blast). But I'm not sad, at least it's warm and sunny outside and I can still sleep till noon! So another quick post with the outfit that I had at my graduation this summer!
Uite asa s'a dus si vara, cu tot cu vacanta mea (teoretic sunt inca in vacanta, practic nu prea - trebuie sa scriu un eseu, sa citesc niste carti, chestii de genul asta, stiti voi la ce ma refer, pt. admiterea la master - e tare "distractiv"). Da nu este asa un capat de tara, sa privim partea buna a lucrurilor, afara e inca soare si cald si macar pot sa dorm pana pe la pranz! Asa ca un post rapid cu tinuta pe care am purtat'o la festivitatea de absolvire din vara asta!
After A Long Day
Wednesday 22 August 2012
I've taken these pictures at the end of my graduation day, which was one of the longest days ever. So after I spent the entire day in heels (I usualy wear heels, so I'm used to it, but this was one of those days when you can't sit down at all), more exactly 10 hours, maybe more, don't really remember, the most casual outfit that I could find was this dress and those flat sandals. Yeah, that day I was meeting with a good friend, the gorgeous flowers are from her (ty again Ioana), and I changed into the most comfortable pice I could find in my closet. The sandals that I have on (you can't see them very well) were bought 4years ago when I was in Paris, from Zara. They were the last pair there (they were waiting for me for sure), and they are by far the most comfortable piece of footwear that I have :D
Am facut pozele din postul de azi la sfarsitul zilei in care am avut festivitatea de absolvire, una dintre cele mai lungi si obositoare zile ever. Asa ca dupa ce am stat toata ziua pe niste tocuri imense (de regula port numai tocuri, asa ca sunt obisnuita, dar in ziua respectiva n'am apucat sa stau jos mai deloc, afara era o caldura infernala, am mai alergat sa ma inscriu si la licenta and so on), mai exact in jur de 10 ore, e posibil sa fi fost mai mult, nu'mi aduc aminte foarte bine, cea mai comoda tinuta la care am putut sa ma gandesc a fost alcatuita din rochia si sandalele astea. Da, in ziua respectiva, dupa toata alergatura si nervii pe care mi i'am facut (evident ca intr'o asemenea zi nu pot lipsi nervii :))), trebuia sa ma vad cu o buna prietena, buchetul acela superb de flori este de la ea (merci, Ioana :D), asa ca m'am schimbat in ceva mai comfortabil (tinuta de la absolvire o sa o pun in alt post). Sandalele pe care le port (desi nu le puteti vedea prea bine, am sa vorbesc putin despre ele) le'am cumparat acum 4 ani de la Zara din Paris, ultima pereche de acolo (parca aveau numele meu scris pe ele :D, deci pe mine ma asteptau clar) si sunt cele mai comfortabile incaltari pe care le detin, si de departe cele mai durabile (la cat le'am purtat si prin cate au trecut, ma surprinde si acum ca n'au patit nimic). Sper sa ma mai tina inca 4 ani de acum inainte, pt. ca sunt geniale :D.
Burgundy Red
Tuesday 1 May 2012
Hello there!
My last 2 weeks were full of exams and tones of studying, so I didn't had time for anything else, not even leaving the house :| And i had some photos to post, but well, when to write the post when I was counting every free second that I had. It was awfull, but now it passed and I fell extremely liberated.
So when I took these pictures it was before the Easter (yeah, I know a long time ago, and I'm talking about the ortodox Easter) and it was one of those sunny days and finally got the chance to wear that burgundy red skirt and lace jacket. Yup, I bought them in october I think and never got the chance to wear them. I wanted something in burgundy red for a long time, found a blazer once at zara beutifull, but the shoulder pads where so big it look so weird (I hate everything that makes your shoulders look big) and was a bit irritated cuz of that. But then found this skirt and of course I bought it, and the lace jacket, oh well it's lace so I generally buy everything made out of lace :D
Ultimele mele 2 saptamani au fost efectiv pline, nu de lucruri bune :D, ci de examene si o groaza de invatat, asa k n'am avut timp de nimic, n'am iesit nici macar din casa :| Aveam si niste poze de postat, dar cand sa scriu postul cand eu numaram secundele libere pe care le aveam pe degete :)) A fost groaznic, dar acum a trecut si ma simt asa de libera si relaxata. Cand am facut pozele astea era o zi frumoasa si cu soare inainte de Paste si am profitat de ea pt. a purta in sfarsit fusta in rosu burgund si jacketa de dantela. Da, le'am cumparat prin octombrie si n'am apucat pana in ziua respectiva sa le port. De multa vreme cautam ceva in culoare rosu burgund, am si gasit un sacou la zara arata genial, mai putin umerii care erau supradimensionati si aratau tare ciudat (urasc sacourile cu umerasi supradimensionti si pe care nu poti sa ii scoti pt. ca exista marea posibilitate sa strici forma sacoului), chestia asta m'a iritat putin. Dar am gasit fusta asta si evident ca am cumparat'o, apoi jacketa din dantela, si logic ca at. cand e vorba de dantela sunt in stare sa imi dau si ultimii bani din portofel :))
This is how a busy person looks, only jocking!
Cam asa arata o persoana ocupata, glumesc evident!
Masculine all the way...or not!
Monday 9 April 2012
Hello there!
This weather is messing with us, when it's warm, too warm for this period, when it's too cold, I just hate it. Today I left the house wearing only a blazer and a lace blouse, without a scarf or something to cover the lace part, you can imagine lace and under it my skin and the cold wind, oh it was a blast, because I thought "well it's only 6:30am, of course is a bit cold, later on it will be better". Well, no it wasn't, actually it was even colder and the wind more powerfull. Not the best day for me, I was sleepy, cold, then sleepy again, had an exam, but all is in the past now as I'm staying in front of my pc in a warm room and writting my blog.
These pictures were taken one or two weeks ago (didn't had the time, well I wasn't in the mood to write anyting :D) and I'm only putting them now, even though that day was really hot outside and now winter is back.
I've waited so long to wear that boyish blazer and those trousers, since I bought the blazer (love at first site) and i was wearing those exact pants, but never got the chance to put them together. Of course I wore a hat that day, I love hats, well only this type, and now that the weather is more permissive I try to wear them as much as I can. Unfortunately, the boots that I wanted to wear that day were at my aunt so I had to put another pair, I wasn't very enthusiastic about that, but it didn't look bad :D.
I love so much the masculine style, and you can see it in these pictures pretty well. Also, it's weird that all the clothes are from Zara (I rarely have only one brand on me, but that day it happened).
I'm not sure when I'll put other pictures with me on, maybe soon, but then again I'm not sure at all. Meanwhile, you'll see other posts, but not with me :D (exams are coming, I have tones to learn :( ).
Vremii asteia ii place sa se joace cu nervii nostri, cand e cald, prea cald pt. perioada asta, cand e prea frig, o urasc! Azi am plecat de acasa imbracata cu una bucata sacou si una bucata bluza de dantela, fara o esarfa mai groasa ceva sa acopar golul ala de dantela, asa ca va imaginati dantela, iar pe dedesubt pielea mea si vantul rece de afara, a fost de'a dreptul minunat, si asta numai pt. ca m'am gandit eu "e abia 6:30dimineata, e cam rece, dar sigur mai tarziu se incalzeste". Ei bine, nu, nu s'a incalzit, de fapt s'a facut si mai frig afara, iar vantul batea de ziceai ce'i. Nu cea mai buna zi pt. mine, si'asa imi era somn, frig, somn din nou, am avut si un examen, dar totul este in trecut, acum stau linistita la caldura, in fata pc'ului si scriu la blog.
Pozele astea au fost facute acum o saptamana sau 2 in urma (nu am avut timp, mai bine zis n'am prea avut chef sa le postez :D) si le pun abia acum, desi in ziua respectiva era foarte cald afara si acum a venit iarna iar peste noi.
Am asteptat atata vreme sa port sacoul asta masculin si pantalonii respectivi, de cand am cumparat sacoul (dragoste la prima vedere, ce sa zic :D) si culmea, in ziua respectiva purtam exact pantalonii astia, dar n'am apucat pana acum sa ii pun impreuna. Bineinteles am purtat si o palarie in ziua respectiva, iubesc palariile, de fapt numai astea masculine, restul nu prea, si cum vremea e ceva mai permisiva acum incerc sa le port cat mai des. Din pacate, ghetele pe care vroiam sa le port erau la matusa mea si a trebuit sa iau alta pereche, desi nu eram prea entuziasmata de idee, dar n'a aratat prea rau :D.
Imi place la nebunie stilul masculin, asa cum o sa vedeti si in pozele astea. O alta chestie ciudata este ca toate hainele sunt de la Zara (foarte rar port un singur brand, dar in ziua aceea s'a intamplat).
Nu sunt sigura cand am sa mai postez poze cu outfit'urile mele, poate curand, dar totusi nu garantez.
Intre timp, o sa vedeti alte posturi, dar nu cu mine :D (vin examenele si am o tona de invatat :( ).
Zara blazer, pants and top, Mango bag, Peacocks hat, Mineli Boutique boots, Accessorize rings and Parfois earings.
Until my next post!
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