Showing posts with label personal blog. Show all posts
Get Your New Looks At Bram's
Tuesday 14 July 2015
Those Little Things In Life
Tuesday 30 December 2014
Feeling Blue
Thursday 13 November 2014
It's Not Spring, It's Summer Alright!!!
Monday 13 May 2013
I wanted the spring to come so badly and after it finally came I was a bit disappointed due to the fact that I am not able to wear my blazers and other clothes. Don't know about your countries, but in Romania the hot weather came too soon (there are around 27-30 degrees here) so you can't really wear jackets, blazers and other pieces you would normally wear during this time of year.
For example for today's outfit I had a blazer with me, one that I love very much, but I wore it only for 10 minutes to take some pictures, because it was so warm outside that I thought I would die with the blazer on :))
So you guys will have to wait for the fall to come to see me wear jackets and other pieces like that or hope for some cold weather during this month, because, trust me, starting from June I won't be able to wear anything but tops and dresses (and even with those on I'll fell extremely hot)!
Mi'am dorit atat de mult sa se duca iarna si sa vina primavara, insa am fost extrem de dezamagita de vreme cu care a venit. Este mult prea cald pentru perioada asta a anului, cel putin in Bucuresti, si nu pot purta niciun sacou, iar geci de piele nici sa nu'mi treaca prin minte, din nefericire :(
Spre exemplu in tinuta de azi am un sacou pe care il ador, dar desi l'am luat in ziua respectiva pentru a'l purta, nu am putut sa o fac. L'am tinut pe mine vreo 10 minute cat am facut cateva poze, apoi l'am tinut in mana toata ziua. Cred ca daca il purtam muream de cald la propriu :))
Asa ca daca vreti sa ma vedeti purtand sacouri si geci sau alte haine pe care le'as purta in mod normal in perioada asta va trebui sa asteptati pana la toamna sau sa va rugati sa vina cateva zile de vreme rece :D Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ca vine luna iunie peste aproximativ 2 saptamani cu niste temperaturi ingrozitoare, sunt sigura de asta!
Green Fields And Basic Pieces
Thursday 2 May 2013
How was your 1st of May? Did you have fun? I didn't do anything interesting, I've cleaned all my house, cause you know, Easter is coming in a few days and I have tones of things to cook, so the house needs to be cleaned :D
Well yesterday you saw a glimpse of my new outfit, a basic leather jacket that I got from Stradivarius, pretty cheap I must say (around 30 Euros), and a pair of jeggings also from Stradivarius, and also pretty cheap (around 25 Euros). So this outfit is made mostly of basics, a basic t-shirt and a basic leather jacket combined with a pair of skinny pants with a bold print and a necklace to give them a bit of elegance. And of course a pair of high heel boots :D So this is a way to style basic pieces and make them look chic and trendy. I hope you like them.
Also some pretty pictures taken by yours truly in my own garden :D
Cum a fost ziua de 1 Mai? V'ati distrat? Cel mai probabil da :)) Eu, pe de alta parte, n'am facut nimic interesant, ci m'am apucat de curatenie generala care a durat ceva, inclusiv azi, pentru ca vin Pastele in cateva zile si mai am o groaza de facut (mancare, prajituri, vopsit oua, chestii d'astea) si trebuie sa fie curatenie in casa :D
Ieri v'am aratat o portiune din tinuta din postul de azi, o geaca de piele basic de la Stradivarius, care a fost destul de ieftina (undeva la 120lei), si o pereche de jeggings, tot de la Stradivarius, si la fel destul de ieftini (99lei). Asadar, tinuta de azi este compusa in mare din piese basic, o bluza si o geaca de piele basic combinate cu o pereche de pantaloni skinny cu un imprimeu interesant si un colier pentru un strop de eleganta. Si bineinteles o pereche de ghete cu toc foarte inalt :D Aceasta este o modalitate de a purta piese basic si de a arata chic si trendy. Sper sa va placa.
Pe langa asta am atasat si cateva poze facute de mine, inainte sa vina valul asta de caldura, cand copacii inca mai erau infloriti :D
Animal Print And Leather
Tuesday 23 April 2013
I've been so so busy lately and I think it's going to get even worse in the next two months, you know those awful projects that we have to do for exams at the end of the semester (we all know that we are making them in the very last moment :D). And the weather outside is great and we have to go to university every day and listen to boring interesting courses, oh that's depressing.
This was not my idea to start this post, but well I did it anyway. outfit post. This year I was and still am obsessed with prints (animal, flower, less geometrical ones) and you can see that very well from the pictures, and you'll see that in the future too :D But I love them and don't care if my closet will be full of flowers and animal spots :D When I took this photos the wind was very moody and my hair was blown away alot, so it's not looking it's best, but at least my blouse and other items stayed in place!
Am fost asa de ocupata in ultima vreme si cred ca o sa fiu si mai mult in urmatoarele 2 luni, stiti proiectele alea ingrozitoare de sfarsit de semestru, pe care trebuie sa luam nota si pe care evident le facem intotdeauna pe ultima suta de metri, ei bine incepe perioada lor! Vremea afara e frumoasa, si pe langa proiecte mai trebuie sa ma car si la facultate in fiecare zi la cursuri plictisitoare interesante, depresiv de'a dreptul.
Nu am vrut sa incep postul de azi intr'o maniera melancolica, darrrrr am facut'o totusi. Asa ca sa trecem la subiect....o noua tinuta :D Anul asta am fost si sunt, si nu cred ca se va duce f repede obsesia mea pentru imprimeuri (leopard, sau orice ce seamana cu blana/penele unei vietati miscatoare, flori, verdeata in general, mai putin cele geometrice) si acest lucru se poate observa in pozele de azi si in cele ce vor urma in viitor :D Le ador si nu ma intereseaza ca am sa'mi umplu sifonierul cu flori si pete de pe blana animalelor. Cand am facut aceste poze vantul era in elementul lui (ca de obicei, cand nu e vant in Bucuresti, probabil ca atunci cand stau eu in casa) si parul imi zbura in toate partile, asa ca nu arata impecabil (nu se aplica reclama de la Taft :))), dar macar hainele de pe mine au stat la locul lor!
Romantic Vibe In Black And White
Thursday 11 April 2013
I think this blouse is by far one of my best investments this year (I have 2 more, beside this one :D). From the first moment I saw it I was in love!
These pictures were taken in a windy day, but my hair stayed in place (you know like in those commercials from TV)! Also these are my last pictures where my hair is longer, I've cut it about a week ago, you'll see pictures soon enough (don't imagine that I have short hair now, not at all :D).
So less talk, more pictures! Enjoy!
Jur ca bluza asta este de departe una din cele mai bune investitii facute de mine in ultima vreme (mai am vreo 2 la fel de tari pe care trebuie sa vi le arat :D). Din prima clipa in care am vazut'o, m'am indragostit de ea (ce sa mai, dragostea la prima vedere exista!!!!).
Pozele astea le'am facut intr'o zi cu un vant ingrozitor, dar coafura a rezistat (va amintiti reclamele alea de la TV nu?, cam asa cu parul meu)! De asemenea, astea sunt ultimele fotografii in care am parul lung, ca sa zic asa, pentru ca l'am tuns acum o saptamana, veti vedea poze (nu va imaginati ca e scurt acum sau cine stie ce).
Asa ca, mai putina vorba, mai multe poze!
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