Showing posts with label lace dress. Show all posts
The White Lace Dress
Wednesday 2 September 2015
Asymmetrical Lace Dress
Saturday 18 August 2012
Hello there!
Today I'm going to post an outfit from like 2months ago, with the dress that I wore at my graduation prom. It's not something very fancy, I don't really like the typical dress that all the girls wear for this type of occasions, I like more comfortable clothes, especialy for long nights :D Before founding this dress I was quite stresses out, cause I didn't had the time to go to look for something and I wasn't in the mood either, also I wanted something cheap (cuz I hate buying expensive clothes, wear them once and after that keeping them in the closet and never wear them again), so good luck with that. But, one day while I was looking for a day dress for this summer, I've entered a bit at H&M just to see what they had new there, and in a corner I saw this dress, well actualy I saw lace, and when I see lace I can't see anything else :D The colour wasn't exactly on my taste, but I couldn't find it in another colour so I thought I should try it, no harm from that no. So I did that, and well it looked good, was cheap (only 28$ / 22euros, can u believe it!!!), was made out of lace, so I bought it, after all I had some time to buy something else if by any chance I would have changed my mind.
That's the story behind this dress, the other stuff that I wore I already had it in my closet, except the necklace that I bought it a week before the prom.
So nothing very fancy, pretty comfortable, I hope you like it!
Azi am sa postez o tinuta de acum 2 luni, mai exact rochia pe care am purtat'o la balul de absolvire (urasc atat de mult cuvantul "bal", suna foarte chicios in mintea mea). Nu e ceva pretentios sau extra elegant, personal nu ma omor dupa rochiile standard care se poarta pe la genul asta de evenimente, multe sunt asa de chicioase, zici ca esti la nunta (nu sunt mare fan al nuntilor), prefer rochiile ceva mai comode, mai ales daca trebuie sa stai o noapte intreaga in ea :D Inainte sa gasesc rochia asta, am fost tare stresata, pentru ca nu aveam nici timp nici chef sa alerg dupa rochii, si vroiam si ceva ieftin (asta pentru ca urasc sa cumpar haine scumpe, sa le port o singura data si dupa sa le tin in sifonier si sa se puna praful pe ele). Clar aveam niste cerinte imense! Dar intr'o zi, in timp ce cautam o alta rochie, asta pentru o zi calduroasa de vara, mi s'a pus pata ca vreau rochie lunga, si daca ti se pune totii stim cum e :D Si cum tot eram prin mall, am zis sa trec si pe la H&M sa vad ce mai au nou, si intr'un colt am vazut rochia asta, de fapt am vazut multa dantela, si cand vad dantela, nu mai vad nimic altceva :D Culoarea nu era tocmai din gama mea de culori, dar n'am gasit'o in alta culoare, asa ca am probat'o asa cum era. Spre surprinderea mea chiar pica bine pe mine si cum era ieftina (doar 99lei daca va vine sa credeti) si mai ales era din dantela, am cumparat'o, eventual daca nu vroiam sa o port la bal, aveam timp sa cumpar altceva.
Asta e povestea din spatele rochiei, celelalte chestii pe care le'am purtat se gaseau deja in sifonier, mai putin pandantivul pe care l'am cumparat cu o saptamana inainte de petrecere.
Asa ca nimic extravagant, destul de comfortabil, sper sa va placa!
Lace dress - H&M, Sandals - New Look, Belt - Zara, Necklace - No name, Ring - Accessorize, Watch - Oasis, Clutch - New Look
Until my next post!
asymmetrical dress,
H and M,
lace dress,
My Style,
New Look,
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