After A Long Day

I've taken these pictures at the end of my graduation day, which was one of the longest days ever. So after I spent the entire day in heels (I usualy wear heels, so I'm used to it, but this was one of those days when you can't sit down at all), more exactly 10 hours, maybe more, don't really remember, the most casual outfit that I could find was this dress and those flat sandals. Yeah, that day I was meeting with a good friend, the gorgeous flowers are from her (ty again Ioana), and I changed into the most comfortable pice I could find in my closet. The sandals that I have on (you can't see them very well) were bought 4years ago when I was in Paris, from Zara. They were the last pair there (they were waiting for me for sure), and they are by far the most comfortable piece of footwear that I have :D

Am facut pozele din postul de azi la sfarsitul zilei in care am avut festivitatea de absolvire, una dintre cele mai lungi si obositoare zile ever. Asa ca dupa ce am stat toata ziua pe niste tocuri imense (de regula port numai tocuri, asa ca sunt obisnuita, dar in ziua respectiva n'am apucat sa stau jos mai deloc, afara era o caldura infernala, am mai alergat sa ma inscriu si la licenta and so on), mai exact in jur de 10 ore, e posibil sa fi fost mai mult, nu'mi aduc aminte foarte bine, cea mai comoda tinuta la care am putut sa ma gandesc a fost alcatuita din rochia si sandalele astea. Da, in ziua respectiva, dupa toata alergatura si nervii pe care mi i'am facut (evident ca intr'o asemenea zi nu pot lipsi nervii :))), trebuia sa ma vad cu o buna prietena, buchetul acela superb de flori este de la ea (merci, Ioana :D), asa ca m'am schimbat in ceva mai comfortabil (tinuta de la absolvire o sa o pun in alt post). Sandalele pe care le port (desi nu le puteti vedea prea bine, am sa vorbesc putin despre ele) le'am cumparat acum 4 ani de la Zara din Paris, ultima pereche de acolo (parca aveau numele meu scris pe ele :D, deci pe mine ma asteptau clar) si sunt cele mai comfortabile incaltari pe care le detin, si de departe cele mai durabile (la cat le'am purtat si prin cate au trecut, ma surprinde si acum ca n'au patit nimic). Sper sa ma mai tina inca 4 ani de acum inainte, pt. ca sunt geniale :D.

Asymmetrical Lace Dress

Hello there!

Today I'm going to post an outfit from like 2months ago, with the dress that I wore at my graduation prom. It's not something very fancy, I don't really like the typical dress that all the girls wear for this type of occasions, I like more comfortable clothes, especialy for long nights :D Before founding this dress I was quite stresses out, cause I didn't had the time to go to look for something and I wasn't in the mood either, also I wanted something cheap (cuz I hate buying expensive clothes, wear them once and after that keeping them in the closet and never wear them again), so good luck with that. But, one day while I was looking for a day dress for this summer, I've entered a bit at H&M just to see what they had new there, and in a corner I saw this dress, well actualy I saw lace, and when I see lace I can't see anything else :D The colour wasn't exactly on my taste, but I couldn't find it in another colour so I thought I should try it, no harm from that no. So I did that, and well it looked good, was cheap (only 28$ / 22euros, can u believe it!!!), was made out of lace, so I bought it, after all I had some time to buy something else if by any chance I would have changed my mind.
That's the story behind this dress, the other stuff that I wore I already had it in my closet, except the necklace that I bought it a week before the prom.
So nothing very fancy, pretty comfortable, I hope you like it!

Azi am sa postez o tinuta de acum 2 luni, mai exact rochia pe care am purtat'o la balul de absolvire (urasc atat de mult cuvantul "bal", suna foarte chicios in mintea mea). Nu e ceva pretentios sau extra elegant, personal nu ma omor dupa rochiile standard care se poarta pe la genul asta de evenimente, multe sunt asa de chicioase, zici ca esti la nunta (nu sunt mare fan al nuntilor), prefer rochiile ceva mai comode, mai ales daca trebuie sa stai o noapte intreaga in ea :D Inainte sa gasesc rochia asta, am fost tare stresata, pentru ca nu aveam nici timp nici chef sa alerg dupa rochii, si vroiam si ceva ieftin (asta pentru ca urasc sa cumpar haine scumpe, sa le port o singura data si dupa sa le tin in sifonier si sa se puna praful pe ele). Clar aveam niste cerinte imense! Dar intr'o zi, in timp ce cautam o alta rochie, asta pentru o zi calduroasa de vara, mi s'a pus pata ca vreau rochie lunga, si daca ti se pune totii stim cum e :D Si cum tot eram prin mall, am zis sa trec si pe la H&M sa vad ce mai au nou, si intr'un colt am vazut rochia asta, de fapt am vazut multa dantela, si cand vad dantela, nu mai vad nimic altceva :D Culoarea nu era tocmai din gama mea de culori, dar n'am gasit'o in alta culoare, asa ca am probat'o asa cum era. Spre surprinderea mea chiar pica bine pe mine si cum era ieftina (doar 99lei daca va vine sa credeti) si mai ales era din dantela, am cumparat'o, eventual daca nu vroiam sa o port la bal, aveam timp sa cumpar altceva.
Asta e povestea din spatele rochiei, celelalte chestii pe care le'am purtat se gaseau deja in sifonier, mai putin pandantivul pe care l'am cumparat cu o saptamana inainte de petrecere.
Asa ca nimic extravagant, destul de comfortabil, sper sa va placa!

Lace dress - H&M, Sandals - New Look, Belt - Zara, Necklace - No name, Ring - Accessorize, Watch - Oasis, Clutch - New Look

Until my next post!


Burgundy Red

Hello there!

My last 2 weeks were full of exams and tones of studying, so I didn't had time for anything else, not even leaving the house :| And i had some photos to post, but well, when to write the post when I was counting every free second that I had. It was awfull, but now it passed and I fell extremely liberated.
So when I took these pictures it was before the Easter (yeah, I know a long time ago, and I'm talking about the ortodox Easter) and it was one of those sunny days and finally got the chance to wear that burgundy red skirt and lace jacket. Yup, I bought them in october I think and never got the chance to wear them. I wanted something in burgundy red for a long time, found a blazer once at zara beutifull, but the shoulder pads where so big it look so weird (I hate everything that makes your shoulders look big) and was a bit irritated cuz of that. But then found this skirt and of course I bought it, and the lace jacket, oh well it's lace so I generally buy everything made out of lace :D

Ultimele mele 2 saptamani au fost efectiv pline, nu de lucruri bune :D, ci de examene si o groaza de invatat, asa k n'am avut timp de nimic, n'am iesit nici macar din casa :| Aveam si niste poze de postat, dar cand sa scriu postul cand eu numaram secundele libere pe care le aveam pe degete :)) A fost groaznic, dar acum a trecut si ma simt asa de libera si relaxata. Cand am facut pozele astea era o zi frumoasa si cu soare inainte de Paste si am profitat de ea pt. a purta in sfarsit fusta in rosu burgund si jacketa de dantela. Da, le'am cumparat prin octombrie si n'am apucat pana in ziua respectiva sa le port. De multa vreme cautam ceva in culoare rosu burgund, am si gasit un sacou la zara arata genial, mai putin umerii care erau supradimensionati si aratau tare ciudat (urasc sacourile cu umerasi supradimensionti si pe care nu poti sa ii scoti pt. ca exista marea posibilitate sa strici forma sacoului), chestia asta m'a iritat putin. Dar am gasit fusta asta si evident ca am cumparat'o, apoi jacketa din dantela, si logic ca at. cand e vorba de dantela sunt in stare sa imi dau si ultimii bani din portofel :))

This is how a busy person looks, only jocking!
Cam asa arata o persoana ocupata, glumesc evident!

Masculine all the way...or not!

Hello there!

This weather is messing with us, when it's warm, too warm for this period, when it's too cold, I just hate it. Today I left the house wearing only a blazer and a lace blouse, without a scarf or something to cover the lace part, you can imagine lace and under it my skin and the cold wind, oh it was a blast, because I thought "well it's only 6:30am, of course is a bit cold, later on it will be better". Well, no it wasn't, actually it was even colder and the wind more powerfull. Not the best day for me, I was sleepy, cold, then sleepy again, had an exam, but all is in the past now as I'm staying in front of my pc in a warm room and writting my blog.
These pictures were taken one or two weeks ago (didn't had the time, well I wasn't in the mood to write anyting :D) and I'm only putting them now, even though that day was really hot outside and now winter is back.
I've waited so long to wear that boyish blazer and those trousers, since I bought the blazer (love at first site) and i was wearing those exact pants, but never got the chance to put them together. Of course I wore a hat that day, I love hats, well only this type, and now that the weather is more permissive I try to wear them as much as I can. Unfortunately, the boots that I wanted to wear that day were at my aunt so I had to put another pair, I wasn't very enthusiastic about that, but it didn't look bad :D.
I love so much the masculine style, and you can see it in these pictures pretty well. Also, it's weird that all the clothes are from Zara (I rarely have only one brand on me, but that day it happened).
I'm not sure when I'll put other pictures with me on, maybe soon, but then again I'm not sure at all. Meanwhile, you'll see other posts, but not with me :D (exams are coming, I have tones to learn :( ).

Vremii asteia ii place sa se joace cu nervii nostri, cand e cald, prea cald pt. perioada asta, cand e prea frig, o urasc! Azi am plecat de acasa imbracata cu una bucata sacou si una bucata bluza de dantela, fara o esarfa mai groasa ceva sa acopar golul ala de dantela, asa ca va imaginati dantela, iar pe dedesubt pielea mea si vantul rece de afara, a fost de'a dreptul minunat, si asta numai pt. ca m'am gandit eu "e abia 6:30dimineata, e cam rece, dar sigur mai tarziu se incalzeste". Ei bine, nu, nu s'a incalzit, de fapt s'a facut si mai frig afara, iar vantul batea de ziceai ce'i. Nu cea mai buna zi pt. mine, si'asa imi era somn, frig, somn din nou, am avut si un examen, dar totul este in trecut, acum stau linistita la caldura, in fata pc'ului si scriu la blog.
Pozele astea au fost facute acum o saptamana sau 2 in urma (nu am avut timp, mai bine zis n'am prea avut chef sa le postez :D) si le pun abia acum, desi in ziua respectiva era foarte cald afara si acum a venit iarna iar peste noi.
Am asteptat atata vreme sa port sacoul asta masculin si pantalonii respectivi, de cand am cumparat sacoul (dragoste la prima vedere, ce sa zic :D) si culmea, in ziua respectiva purtam exact pantalonii astia, dar n'am apucat pana acum sa ii pun impreuna. Bineinteles am purtat si o palarie in ziua respectiva, iubesc palariile, de fapt numai astea masculine, restul nu prea, si cum vremea e ceva mai permisiva acum incerc sa le port cat mai des. Din pacate, ghetele pe care vroiam sa le port erau la matusa mea si a trebuit sa iau alta pereche, desi nu eram prea entuziasmata de idee, dar n'a aratat prea rau :D.
Imi place la nebunie stilul masculin, asa cum o sa vedeti si in pozele astea. O alta chestie ciudata este ca toate hainele sunt de la Zara (foarte rar port un singur brand, dar in ziua aceea s'a intamplat).
Nu sunt sigura cand am sa mai postez poze cu outfit'urile mele, poate curand, dar totusi nu garantez.
Intre timp, o sa vedeti alte posturi, dar nu cu mine :D (vin examenele si am o tona de invatat :( ).

Zara blazer, pants and top, Mango bag, Peacocks hat, Mineli Boutique boots, Accessorize rings and Parfois earings.

Until my next post!


Oscars 2012 Fashion

Hello there!

Ok, I know I'm writting about a post a month, me and my laziness, and I'm really sorry. Lately all my posts start with I'm sorry, I have to stop that :D. Anyway, I was wondering what to write in this posts, maybe about Japanese Street Fashion, but well, again, I was too lazy to search for photos. And in the morning I found out that last night were the Oscars, I think I live on another planet, I mean, come on not in a million years I would have guessed that the Oscars were handed last night. This is a first in many years. Ok, I should stop now. This post is not about what dress is a do and which one is a no, in this post I'll say what I like and dislike about a selection (a big one might I say) of dresses, so bare with me, I think it will be a long post, or not, well I've just started writting it :D
So lets begin.

Ok, stiu ca scriu un post pe luna, eu si lenea din mine, si zau ca imi pare rau. In ultima vreme vad ca mai toate posturile mele incep cu imi pare rau, scuze & co., cred ca trebuie sa incetez cu asta :D Revenind, ma intrebam despre ce as putea sa scriu in postul asta, poate despre street style japonez, dar ei bine, din nou, am fost mult prea lenesa sa caut poze. De dimineata, foarte de dimineata (eram la facultate), am aflat ca seara trecuta a avut loc decernarea premiilor Oscar, cred ca traiesc pe alta planeta, adica, nici intr'un milion de ani nu mi'ar fi trecut prin cap ca aseara au fost Oscarurile daca nu auzeam la facultate. Chestia asta nu mi s'a intamplat de foarte mult timp. Ok, sa nu o mai lungesc. Postul asta nu este despre care este cea mai frumoasa sau urata rochie, ci am sa va spun ce imi place si ce nu (dintr'o perspectiva pur obiectiva, nu stiu pe cine vreau sa pacalesc aici) despre o selectie (destul de mare as zice) de rochii, asa ca suportati'ma va rog, deoarece cred ca va fi un post lung, sau poate nu, adica abia am inceput sa'l scriu :D
Asa ca sa incepem.

I'll start with the big winner, Meryl Streep, and her Lanvin dress, which I like, I mean it looks good on her, even though I find it to be a little bit too goldish! Also I don't like the earings and the clutch. But except this 2 things is a good look!

Am sa incep cu marea castigatoare, Meryl Streep, si rochia ei Lanvin, care imi place, adica arata bine in ea, desi o gasesc a fi putin cam aurie pt. gustul meu! De asemenea, nu'mi plac deloc cerceii si clutch'ul, dar exceptand aceste 2 mici detalii este o tinuta foarte ok!

All I can say is gorgeous and no, not because the designer is a romanian one, Maria Lucia Hohan, but because the colour of the dress is beautifull, the drapping as well, the entire look is spot one (the hair is a bit messy though). So this one is an Oscar dress :D

Tot ce pot sa spun este superb si nu, nu pt. ca designerul este roman, Maria Lucia Hohan, dar pt. ca rochia are o culoare foarte frumoasa, croiala la fel, intreaga tinuta este intr'o armonie totala (parul este putin cam ravasit). Aceasta este o rochie pt. Oscar :D

This one, on the other hand is a mess! I mean Natalie Portman looks like a country girl in this dress which is not made for the Oscars at all, even though is a vintage Dior from 1954. Maybe if the polka dots were out of the picture it would have been better, and that silver necklace that looks so bad with this red dress. So for me this look is not good at all, well, except the hair, the makeup and the clutch.

Rochia asta, pe de alta parte este groaznica! Natalie Portman arata ca o fata venita de la tara in rochia asta, care clar nu este facuta pt. Oscaruri (sau cel putin nu pt. cele din prezent sau viitor), chiar daca este un vintage Dior din 1954 (da si rochiile vintage mai dau gres uneori). Poate daca bulinele ar fi lipsit, ar fi fost ceva mai bine, ah si colierul acela argintiu da atat de rau cu rochia rosie. Asa ca pentru mine acesta tinuta nu este cea mai inspirata, exceptand parul, machiajul si clutch'ul care nu sunt rele deloc.

Kimono Mode

Hello there!

Long time no see! Well, I was extra busy with exams the past few weeks, but now I'm free to do whatever I want :D I thought I'll never finish with all the tests and exams, but well I did :D Of course, as I was studying all the time my blog was long forgotten. Well, I haven't really forgotten it, but I did neglect it! As the weather is so messed up in Romania, I can't really go out and take photos of me or anyone else, I'm not that good with cold weather, I hate it, so I'm staying inside where is warm and cozy :D
But that doesn't mean I can't write about other stuff, as fashion is a wide and complex world.
As you all know from my Japanese Street Style posts, I love Asia, and mostly asian fashion. So what did I do, well I've searched for really cute and cool kimonos photos and found a few. Maybe you ask why not hanbok (the traditional korean clothing) or the cheongsam/chipao (the chinese ones), well because my big obsession is the kimono, especially the black and dramatic ones (unfortunately I don't have photos of that sort, is hard to find through the internet stuff like that), but I like the red or colorfull ones as well, as long as they aren't pink :D I have some beautiful kimonos selections here, as well as some modern interpretations of the traditional piece. Also, I've tried to search some kimonos for the guys, well I couldn't find what I wanted, I have only 2 traditional kimonos, I think the types that are worn at weadings, mostly by the groom, and 2 yukatas (you may wonder what's the difference between yukata and kimono, well yukata is made out of cotton, and is worn in the summer, is more casual and the sleeves are shorter, the kimono on the other hand is made out of silk <of course, I'm not speaking of the modern take of the fabric, which is polyester - less expensive>, it has very long sleeves, is more elegant and worn on special ocassions such as weddings). Anyway, I love kimonos, and I know that in the near future I'll get a black kimono for myself, I'm not exactly sure when, but I know someday I'll get my hand on one :D
Oh, I've almost forgot, I have a photo with the royal kimonos, worn by the Emperor of Japan, Akihito, and his wife, Empress Michiko at their wedding, and one worn by the former princess of Japan, Sayako (I'm saying former princess, cause in Japan, if you're a royal and you marry a well, I can't find a better word, sorry, commoner you have to gave up your title <I found that so sad!>).

A trecut ceva vreme de cand ne'am auzit ultima data, nu! Ei bine, am fost super ocupata cu examenele in ultimele saptamani, dar acum sunt libera sa fac ce vreau :D Credeam ca nu mai scap vie din teste si examene, dar uite ca am supravietuit :D Bineinteles, ca de vreme ce nu am facut altceva decat sa invat am lasat blogul in aer. Bine, nu chiar in aer, dar l'am neglijat! Cum vremea este atat de ciudata in Romania, nu pot sa ies si sa fac poze nici cu mine, nici cu altcineva, pt. ca nu ma impac deloc bine cu vremea asta atat de rece, pe care o urasc, asa ca stau in casa unde este cald si comod :D
Dar asta nu inseamna ca nu pot scrie despre alte lucruri, totus moda este o lume complexa si destul de intinsa. Asa cum stiti din posturile mele de Street Style japonez, iubesc Asia, si in special moda asiatica. Asa ca ce am facut, ei bine am cautat poze dragute si cool cu kimono si am gasit cateva. Poate va intrebati de ce nu am ales hanbok'ul (costumul traditional corean) sau chipao'ul (cel chinezesc), ei bine deoarece kimono'ul este marea mea obsesie, in special cele negre si dramatice (din pacate nu am poze de genul, pt. ca e foarte greu sa gasesti pe internet asa ceva), dar imi plac si cele rosii si cele colorate, atata vreme cat nu sunt roze :D Am selectat cateva kimono'uri foarte frumoase, inclusiv niste versiuni moderne ale kimono'ului traditional. De asemenea, am incercat sa caut kimono'uri purtate de barbati, n'am gasit ce am vrut, am doar 2 kimono'uri traditionale, cred ca din categoria celor purtate de barbati la nunti, in special de mire, si 2 yukata (poate ca va intrebati care e diferenta dintre yukata si kimono, ei bine yukata este facuta din bumbac, este purtata vara, este ceva mai casual si manecile sunt mult mai scurte, pe cand kimono'ul este facut din matase <evident, nu ma refer la materialele care se folosesc acum, polyester - pt. ca e mult mai ieftin>, are maneci foarte lungi, este mult mai elegant si purtat, de regula, la ocazii speciale, cum sunt nuntile). Oricum, iubesc kimono'urile, si stiu ca in viitorul apropiat cu sigurnata o sa'mi cumpar un kimono negru, nu sunt sigura cand, da clar intr'o zi pun eu mana pe unul :D
Ah, era sa uit, am si o poza cu kimono'urile regale, purtate de Imparatul Japoniei, Akihito, si sotia sa, Imparateasa Michiko la nunta lor (acum mult timp :D), si unul purtat de fosta printesa a Japoniei, Sayako (spun fosta printesa, deoarece in Japonia, daca faci parte din familia regala si te casatoresti, n'am gasit un cuvant mai bun, scuze, om de rand <ce urat suna!> tb. sa renunti la titlu <gasesc treaba asta a fi tare trista, si putin inapoiata :))>). 

Lets Start the Year with J.P Gaultier - Haute Couture

Hello there!

For my first post of this year, I thought I should return to the very begining of my blog, to the reviews on different collection, as I haven't had a post like this since ages.
This time is a haute couture collection - Jean Paul Gaultier for fall-winter 2011/2012. From all the haute couture collections this one is the far my favourite, even though for ready to wear was Karl Lagerfelds collection.
So I'll start with the colours. Like all the collections this year, black was the main colour and the other well only to complement this dark tone. You'll see in this collection grey, olive, red, navy blue and a touch of beige, purple, white, brown and silver & gold.
As for the fabrics we can see leather, fur and feathers in almost every garment, silk, lace, satin, chiffon, tulle, velvet, sequins and organza.
The clothes are extravagant as the designer used so much fur and feathers in them. We can see many luxurious coats, fur coats, some combined with feathers for a more dramatic & glamorous look, leather coats all combined with fur collars. There are also capes in this collection. The blazers and jackets are very tailored and worn with pencil skirts. The woman dresses most of them made out of chiffon, sequins, tulle and satin are accessorised with fur coats and feathers, give me (but well maybe it's just me) a south american/western vibe from the late 1800 and a bit of a parisian vibe from the same period. The trenches are transformed into chiffon dresses.
But what I really liked in this collection well is the mixing between women clothes and menswear. So the men suits are made of satin, which is a fabric for women clothes, and are associated with capes and fur coats, that have that aristocratic look from the 1600 era in England and Italy. All the men's clothes have a powerful feminine vibe in them starting with the fabrics and ending with the actual design, see the glitter blouses and the lace pants!
As for me my favourite looks you can see in the first 4 images the suit and the colourful dress!

Pt. primul meu post din acest an, m'am gandit ca ar fi cazul sa ma reintorc la inceputurile blogului meu, mai exact la reviewurile asupra colectiilor de moda, avand in vedere ca n'am mai avut un post de genul de secole.
De data aceasta este o colectie haute couture - Jean Paul Gaultier colectia de toamna-iarna 2011/2012. Dintre toate colectiile de haute couture este de departe preferata mea, chiar daca pt. pret-a-porter a fost cea a lui Karl Lagerfeld pt. Chanel.
Am sa incep cu culorile. Ca in majoritatea colectiilor din acest an, negrul a fost culoarea principala si celelalte nu au facut decat sa scoata in evidenta tonurile intunecate ale acesteia. Veti vedea in aceasta colectie gri, masliniu, rosu, bleumarin si un strop de bej, mov, alb, maro si auriu si argintiu.
In ceea ce priveste materialele avem pielea, blana si pene in aproape fiecare piesa vestimentara, matase, dantela, satin, chiffon, tulle, catifea, paiete si organza.
Cum designerul a folosit foarte mult blana si penele, hainele sunt extravagante. Putem vedea multe haine luxurioase, haine de blana, unele combinate cu pene pentru mai mult dramatism si glam, haine de piele combinate cu gulere de blana. De asemenea, intalnim si cape in aceasta colectie. Sacourile si jachetele cu croiala fixa, bine cambrate pe corp, purtate cu fuste creion. Rochiile, majoritatea dintre ele din chiffon, paiete, tulle sau satin sunt accesorizate cu haine de blana si pene, si imi dau senzatia (ei bine poate sunt doar eu) de haine western de pe la sfarsitul lui 1800 si asa o usoara tenta pariziana din aceeasi perioada. Paltoanele, de aceasta data, au fost transformate in rochii din chiffon.
Insa ceea ce mi'a placut cel mai mult la aceasta colectie a fost mix'ul dintre moda feminina si cea masculina. Asadar, costumele barbatesti sunt facute din satin, care este un material pt. haine de femei, si sunt combinate cu cape sau haine de blana, care aduc putin cu tinutele aristocratice din Anglia si Italia anilor 1600. Toate hainele barbatesti emana foarte multa feminitate incepand cu materialele si sfarsind cu designul in sine, vedeti bluzele sclipicioase si pantalonii din dantela!
In ceea ce ma priveste pe mine, tinutele mele preferate le puteti vedea in primele 4 imagini, costumul si rochia foarte colorata!

And now the pictures! (taken from
Si acum imaginile!

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