Showing posts with label kimono. Show all posts
Modern Kimono
Tuesday 30 June 2015
Kimono Mode
Saturday 4 February 2012
Hello there!
Long time no see! Well, I was extra busy with exams the past few weeks, but now I'm free to do whatever I want :D I thought I'll never finish with all the tests and exams, but well I did :D Of course, as I was studying all the time my blog was long forgotten. Well, I haven't really forgotten it, but I did neglect it! As the weather is so messed up in Romania, I can't really go out and take photos of me or anyone else, I'm not that good with cold weather, I hate it, so I'm staying inside where is warm and cozy :D
But that doesn't mean I can't write about other stuff, as fashion is a wide and complex world.
As you all know from my Japanese Street Style posts, I love Asia, and mostly asian fashion. So what did I do, well I've searched for really cute and cool kimonos photos and found a few. Maybe you ask why not hanbok (the traditional korean clothing) or the cheongsam/chipao (the chinese ones), well because my big obsession is the kimono, especially the black and dramatic ones (unfortunately I don't have photos of that sort, is hard to find through the internet stuff like that), but I like the red or colorfull ones as well, as long as they aren't pink :D I have some beautiful kimonos selections here, as well as some modern interpretations of the traditional piece. Also, I've tried to search some kimonos for the guys, well I couldn't find what I wanted, I have only 2 traditional kimonos, I think the types that are worn at weadings, mostly by the groom, and 2 yukatas (you may wonder what's the difference between yukata and kimono, well yukata is made out of cotton, and is worn in the summer, is more casual and the sleeves are shorter, the kimono on the other hand is made out of silk <of course, I'm not speaking of the modern take of the fabric, which is polyester - less expensive>, it has very long sleeves, is more elegant and worn on special ocassions such as weddings). Anyway, I love kimonos, and I know that in the near future I'll get a black kimono for myself, I'm not exactly sure when, but I know someday I'll get my hand on one :D
Oh, I've almost forgot, I have a photo with the royal kimonos, worn by the Emperor of Japan, Akihito, and his wife, Empress Michiko at their wedding, and one worn by the former princess of Japan, Sayako (I'm saying former princess, cause in Japan, if you're a royal and you marry a well, I can't find a better word, sorry, commoner you have to gave up your title <I found that so sad!>).
A trecut ceva vreme de cand ne'am auzit ultima data, nu! Ei bine, am fost super ocupata cu examenele in ultimele saptamani, dar acum sunt libera sa fac ce vreau :D Credeam ca nu mai scap vie din teste si examene, dar uite ca am supravietuit :D Bineinteles, ca de vreme ce nu am facut altceva decat sa invat am lasat blogul in aer. Bine, nu chiar in aer, dar l'am neglijat! Cum vremea este atat de ciudata in Romania, nu pot sa ies si sa fac poze nici cu mine, nici cu altcineva, pt. ca nu ma impac deloc bine cu vremea asta atat de rece, pe care o urasc, asa ca stau in casa unde este cald si comod :D
Dar asta nu inseamna ca nu pot scrie despre alte lucruri, totus moda este o lume complexa si destul de intinsa. Asa cum stiti din posturile mele de Street Style japonez, iubesc Asia, si in special moda asiatica. Asa ca ce am facut, ei bine am cautat poze dragute si cool cu kimono si am gasit cateva. Poate va intrebati de ce nu am ales hanbok'ul (costumul traditional corean) sau chipao'ul (cel chinezesc), ei bine deoarece kimono'ul este marea mea obsesie, in special cele negre si dramatice (din pacate nu am poze de genul, pt. ca e foarte greu sa gasesti pe internet asa ceva), dar imi plac si cele rosii si cele colorate, atata vreme cat nu sunt roze :D Am selectat cateva kimono'uri foarte frumoase, inclusiv niste versiuni moderne ale kimono'ului traditional. De asemenea, am incercat sa caut kimono'uri purtate de barbati, n'am gasit ce am vrut, am doar 2 kimono'uri traditionale, cred ca din categoria celor purtate de barbati la nunti, in special de mire, si 2 yukata (poate ca va intrebati care e diferenta dintre yukata si kimono, ei bine yukata este facuta din bumbac, este purtata vara, este ceva mai casual si manecile sunt mult mai scurte, pe cand kimono'ul este facut din matase <evident, nu ma refer la materialele care se folosesc acum, polyester - pt. ca e mult mai ieftin>, are maneci foarte lungi, este mult mai elegant si purtat, de regula, la ocazii speciale, cum sunt nuntile). Oricum, iubesc kimono'urile, si stiu ca in viitorul apropiat cu sigurnata o sa'mi cumpar un kimono negru, nu sunt sigura cand, da clar intr'o zi pun eu mana pe unul :D
Ah, era sa uit, am si o poza cu kimono'urile regale, purtate de Imparatul Japoniei, Akihito, si sotia sa, Imparateasa Michiko la nunta lor (acum mult timp :D), si unul purtat de fosta printesa a Japoniei, Sayako (spun fosta printesa, deoarece in Japonia, daca faci parte din familia regala si te casatoresti, n'am gasit un cuvant mai bun, scuze, om de rand <ce urat suna!> tb. sa renunti la titlu <gasesc treaba asta a fi tare trista, si putin inapoiata :))>).
kimono mode,
modern kimono,
the kimono,
traditional kimono,
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