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Oscars 2012 Fashion

Hello there!

Ok, I know I'm writting about a post a month, me and my laziness, and I'm really sorry. Lately all my posts start with I'm sorry, I have to stop that :D. Anyway, I was wondering what to write in this posts, maybe about Japanese Street Fashion, but well, again, I was too lazy to search for photos. And in the morning I found out that last night were the Oscars, I think I live on another planet, I mean, come on not in a million years I would have guessed that the Oscars were handed last night. This is a first in many years. Ok, I should stop now. This post is not about what dress is a do and which one is a no, in this post I'll say what I like and dislike about a selection (a big one might I say) of dresses, so bare with me, I think it will be a long post, or not, well I've just started writting it :D
So lets begin.

Ok, stiu ca scriu un post pe luna, eu si lenea din mine, si zau ca imi pare rau. In ultima vreme vad ca mai toate posturile mele incep cu imi pare rau, scuze & co., cred ca trebuie sa incetez cu asta :D Revenind, ma intrebam despre ce as putea sa scriu in postul asta, poate despre street style japonez, dar ei bine, din nou, am fost mult prea lenesa sa caut poze. De dimineata, foarte de dimineata (eram la facultate), am aflat ca seara trecuta a avut loc decernarea premiilor Oscar, cred ca traiesc pe alta planeta, adica, nici intr'un milion de ani nu mi'ar fi trecut prin cap ca aseara au fost Oscarurile daca nu auzeam la facultate. Chestia asta nu mi s'a intamplat de foarte mult timp. Ok, sa nu o mai lungesc. Postul asta nu este despre care este cea mai frumoasa sau urata rochie, ci am sa va spun ce imi place si ce nu (dintr'o perspectiva pur obiectiva, nu stiu pe cine vreau sa pacalesc aici) despre o selectie (destul de mare as zice) de rochii, asa ca suportati'ma va rog, deoarece cred ca va fi un post lung, sau poate nu, adica abia am inceput sa'l scriu :D
Asa ca sa incepem.

I'll start with the big winner, Meryl Streep, and her Lanvin dress, which I like, I mean it looks good on her, even though I find it to be a little bit too goldish! Also I don't like the earings and the clutch. But except this 2 things is a good look!

Am sa incep cu marea castigatoare, Meryl Streep, si rochia ei Lanvin, care imi place, adica arata bine in ea, desi o gasesc a fi putin cam aurie pt. gustul meu! De asemenea, nu'mi plac deloc cerceii si clutch'ul, dar exceptand aceste 2 mici detalii este o tinuta foarte ok!

All I can say is gorgeous and no, not because the designer is a romanian one, Maria Lucia Hohan, but because the colour of the dress is beautifull, the drapping as well, the entire look is spot one (the hair is a bit messy though). So this one is an Oscar dress :D

Tot ce pot sa spun este superb si nu, nu pt. ca designerul este roman, Maria Lucia Hohan, dar pt. ca rochia are o culoare foarte frumoasa, croiala la fel, intreaga tinuta este intr'o armonie totala (parul este putin cam ravasit). Aceasta este o rochie pt. Oscar :D

This one, on the other hand is a mess! I mean Natalie Portman looks like a country girl in this dress which is not made for the Oscars at all, even though is a vintage Dior from 1954. Maybe if the polka dots were out of the picture it would have been better, and that silver necklace that looks so bad with this red dress. So for me this look is not good at all, well, except the hair, the makeup and the clutch.

Rochia asta, pe de alta parte este groaznica! Natalie Portman arata ca o fata venita de la tara in rochia asta, care clar nu este facuta pt. Oscaruri (sau cel putin nu pt. cele din prezent sau viitor), chiar daca este un vintage Dior din 1954 (da si rochiile vintage mai dau gres uneori). Poate daca bulinele ar fi lipsit, ar fi fost ceva mai bine, ah si colierul acela argintiu da atat de rau cu rochia rosie. Asa ca pentru mine acesta tinuta nu este cea mai inspirata, exceptand parul, machiajul si clutch'ul care nu sunt rele deloc.

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