Put Your Mind at Work with a Gan Cube

When we spend a lot of time home we tend to get bored easily and we need to find something to do to with our time. After all it's good to get out from the routine and do interesting things.

Some of the most fun activities at home are solving different types of puzzles. They put your mind to work, you don't feel bored and you don't even feel how time is passing by. However, the puzzle pieces are a little bit messy and you need a big space where to put them together. This is way you need a different kind of puzzle like the gan cube!

Get Your Winter Wardrobe Ready

It is December now and the winter season has officially started. I hope you have started to prepare for winter by adding some warm clothes to your wardrobes. And if you haven't yet, don't worry, this is why I am here! To help you!


It is time to get your winter wardrobe ready and for this you have to look for some fancy clothes perfect for the cold season. Many stores, online and physical too, have launched their winter collections, so that it will be easier for us to prepare for all those cold months that are to come.

Fancy Holiday Outfit


adina nanes fancy velvet dress


[RO]: Nu cred că există culoare mai potrivită pentru sezonul festiv ca vișiniul sau bordeaux-ul. Efectiv te duce imediat cu gândul la Crăciun!

Must Have Sweaters and Tops for Winter

Now it's that time of the year when we can wear sweaters, tops, coats and many layers of clothes. Besides keeping us warm, it's pretty fashionable to combine various sweaters with blouses and coats. And it's super cool too! I'm sure you've guessed by now that in today's article we will talk about winter fashion and mostly about what sweaters and tops you should have in your wardrobe. 

4 Maxi Dresses Perfect for the Fall/Winter Season

Usually when the cold season starts, we tend to avoid wearing maxi dresses, but we shouldn't. Why? Because there are some lovely dresses out there that are perfect for this time of the year! And today I want to show you four maxi dresses that you can wear during the fall-winter season.

Idei de cadouri de Crăciun pentru toate buzunarele

YSL Mon Paris Eau de Parfum

Decembrie este cea mai frumoasă lună din an, o lună magică grație sărbătorilor de iarnă. Cu toții suntem entuziasmați în această lună, iar la asta contribuie și cadourile de Crăciun pe care fiecare dintre noi abia așteaptă să le primească!

Astfel, în articolul de azi vreau să vă vin în ajutor cu câteva idei de cadouri de Crăciun de la Notino pe care le puteți face celor dragi!

Romantic Fall Outfit

adina nanes romantic fall outfit

Dress/Rochie - H&M | Boots/Cizme - H&M | Bag/Geantă - Zara


[RO]: Niciun sezon nu este mai romantic și mai nostalgic ca toamna cu frumoasele ei nuanțe de galben și arămiu. Iar cea mai bună alegere pentru o ținută romantică de toamnă este o rochie diafană cu volane!

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