The Shift Dress For Fall

Have you prepared your fall wardrobe yet? It's mid September now, so you have to start getting ready for lower temperatures and also for the new trends in fashion! I'm sure you still want to wear your dresses and skirts, colours and light fabrics and you can still do this if you know how. 


Two Items You Need For Slimmer Waist and Thighs

The summer has ended and during the fall and winter we are a little bit more sedentary, we reduce our outdoor activities and even the indoor ones. Shortly we tend to be lazier! This is the reason why our toned bodies might not look as good as they look right now, because we aren't as active anymore. However, there are solutions! Now days we can have  toned skin while not doing sports. 

Two Casual and Feminine Outfits for Fall

I think all of us want to wear from time to time casual, yet chic outfits when going out. They are comfortable, look super cool and make you feel amazing! This is why in today's article I want to propose you too casual looks that are perfect for September and October, more precisely for early fall. 

Cute Tops for Fall

Fall season just started and it's time to prepare out wardrobes for lower temperatures, because even though the weather is still warm you don't know when you will need to wear thicker clothes. 

Fabulous in Pink

adina nanes fashion blogger


 Dress/Rochie - Ever Pretty (HERE/AICI)


[RO]: "Oamenii vor privi. Fă-o în așa fel încât să merite privirea lor.", cam așa ar suna traducerea unui citat de-al lui Tom Ford (”People will stare. Make it worth their while.”). 


3 măști bune pentru îngrijirea tenului mixt sau gras

L'Oreal Smooth Sugars Clear Scrub

Tenul mixt și tenul gras au nevoie de îngrijire specială, deoarece se confruntă cu pori dilatați, iar din cauza excesului de sebum secretat de glandele sebacee ale pielii, ceva mai numeroase în cazul acestor două tipuri de ten,  punctele negre se formează mai repede. Pe timp de vară aceste probleme se accentuează din cauza temperaturilor ridicate, dar și din cauza prafului și poluării din mediu. Astfel, că există mai multe șanse ca persoanele cu ten mixt sau gras să se confrunte cu ceva mai multe imperfecțiuni în sezonul cald. 

De aceea, în articolul de azi vreau să vă vorbesc despre îngrijirea tenului cu imperfecțiuni. Am să încep prin a vă povesti puțin de tipul meu de ten și cu ce probleme mă confrunt pentru a înțelege de ce folosesc anumite produse în rutina mea. 

Casual and Fancy Loafers and Sneakers

Shoes are an important element in an outfit. They can define it and if chosen properly elevate it. However it's not easy to find a pair of shoes that have an interesting design and also are comfortable. We all know that the fancier the shoes are the more difficult to wear for long period of times are too. This is why I want to show you in this article that you can find beautiful shoes that are comfortable to wear too!

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