Lets Start the Year with J.P Gaultier - Haute Couture

Hello there!

For my first post of this year, I thought I should return to the very begining of my blog, to the reviews on different collection, as I haven't had a post like this since ages.
This time is a haute couture collection - Jean Paul Gaultier for fall-winter 2011/2012. From all the haute couture collections this one is the far my favourite, even though for ready to wear was Karl Lagerfelds collection.
So I'll start with the colours. Like all the collections this year, black was the main colour and the other well only to complement this dark tone. You'll see in this collection grey, olive, red, navy blue and a touch of beige, purple, white, brown and silver & gold.
As for the fabrics we can see leather, fur and feathers in almost every garment, silk, lace, satin, chiffon, tulle, velvet, sequins and organza.
The clothes are extravagant as the designer used so much fur and feathers in them. We can see many luxurious coats, fur coats, some combined with feathers for a more dramatic & glamorous look, leather coats all combined with fur collars. There are also capes in this collection. The blazers and jackets are very tailored and worn with pencil skirts. The woman dresses most of them made out of chiffon, sequins, tulle and satin are accessorised with fur coats and feathers, give me (but well maybe it's just me) a south american/western vibe from the late 1800 and a bit of a parisian vibe from the same period. The trenches are transformed into chiffon dresses.
But what I really liked in this collection well is the mixing between women clothes and menswear. So the men suits are made of satin, which is a fabric for women clothes, and are associated with capes and fur coats, that have that aristocratic look from the 1600 era in England and Italy. All the men's clothes have a powerful feminine vibe in them starting with the fabrics and ending with the actual design, see the glitter blouses and the lace pants!
As for me my favourite looks you can see in the first 4 images the suit and the colourful dress!

Pt. primul meu post din acest an, m'am gandit ca ar fi cazul sa ma reintorc la inceputurile blogului meu, mai exact la reviewurile asupra colectiilor de moda, avand in vedere ca n'am mai avut un post de genul de secole.
De data aceasta este o colectie haute couture - Jean Paul Gaultier colectia de toamna-iarna 2011/2012. Dintre toate colectiile de haute couture este de departe preferata mea, chiar daca pt. pret-a-porter a fost cea a lui Karl Lagerfeld pt. Chanel.
Am sa incep cu culorile. Ca in majoritatea colectiilor din acest an, negrul a fost culoarea principala si celelalte nu au facut decat sa scoata in evidenta tonurile intunecate ale acesteia. Veti vedea in aceasta colectie gri, masliniu, rosu, bleumarin si un strop de bej, mov, alb, maro si auriu si argintiu.
In ceea ce priveste materialele avem pielea, blana si pene in aproape fiecare piesa vestimentara, matase, dantela, satin, chiffon, tulle, catifea, paiete si organza.
Cum designerul a folosit foarte mult blana si penele, hainele sunt extravagante. Putem vedea multe haine luxurioase, haine de blana, unele combinate cu pene pentru mai mult dramatism si glam, haine de piele combinate cu gulere de blana. De asemenea, intalnim si cape in aceasta colectie. Sacourile si jachetele cu croiala fixa, bine cambrate pe corp, purtate cu fuste creion. Rochiile, majoritatea dintre ele din chiffon, paiete, tulle sau satin sunt accesorizate cu haine de blana si pene, si imi dau senzatia (ei bine poate sunt doar eu) de haine western de pe la sfarsitul lui 1800 si asa o usoara tenta pariziana din aceeasi perioada. Paltoanele, de aceasta data, au fost transformate in rochii din chiffon.
Insa ceea ce mi'a placut cel mai mult la aceasta colectie a fost mix'ul dintre moda feminina si cea masculina. Asadar, costumele barbatesti sunt facute din satin, care este un material pt. haine de femei, si sunt combinate cu cape sau haine de blana, care aduc putin cu tinutele aristocratice din Anglia si Italia anilor 1600. Toate hainele barbatesti emana foarte multa feminitate incepand cu materialele si sfarsind cu designul in sine, vedeti bluzele sclipicioase si pantalonii din dantela!
In ceea ce ma priveste pe mine, tinutele mele preferate le puteti vedea in primele 4 imagini, costumul si rochia foarte colorata!

And now the pictures! (taken from http://www.vogue.it/)
Si acum imaginile!

Boyish Look

Hello there!

Finally I've managed to select some photos with my outfit from Absolutely Fabulous, which I haven't published in the post regarding the fair. Because it was a bit dark outside the photos are not the greatest, but you can see the esential stuff. My look was kind of boyish, masculine, it really works with my new haircut, I've had a long white shirt from Asos, which you've seen it in a previous post, a vest from Stadivarius, which you can't see because of the coat, a pair of light blue jeans - random brand (has been a while since i last wore them), a pair of black shoe boots, also a random brand, and my new military coat (it took me ages till i've found it) from Zara. As accessories a long cameo necklace from New Yorker, a cameo ring from Accessorize and a box bag from New Look.

In sfarsit am reusit sa selectez cateva poze cu tinuta mea de la Absolutely Fabulous, pe care nu le'am publicat in postul despre targ. Deoarece a fost cam intuneric afara, fotografiile nu sunt chiar perfecte, dar puteti sa vedeti in ele esentialul. Look'ul meu a fost unul masculin, se potriveste tare bine cu noua tunsoare, am purtat o camasa alba lunga de la Asos, pe care ati mai vazut'o intr'un post anterior, o vesta de la Stradivarius care nu se vede din cauza paltonului, o pereche de blugi albastru deschis, no name (a trecut ceva vreme de cand i'am purtat ultima oara), o pereche de botine negre, de asemenea no name, si noul meu palton "militar" (mi'a luat ceva vreme pana l'am gasit) de la Zara. Accessoriile constau intr'un lant/medalion cameo de la New Yorker, un inel cameo de la Accessorize si o geanta "cutie" de la New Look.

Necktie With A Twist

Hello there!

Yesterday was really beautiful in Bucharest, sunny and really warm outside, after many cold days, and I took the chance and made some photos with the outfit that I wore. The photos are better than the ones from my other outfit post, and the hair is not as messy, I'm improving!
I recently bought an oversized shirt like the ones men wear and I was so anxious to wear it, but with the weather my anxiousness had to wait. Meanwhile, I remembered that I had a necktie somewhere in my closet and thought that maybe it will look good with the shirt. But it was a bit plain, as the necktie was white with small stripes and the shirt was also white (well I still think that, even with all the accessories, the look is a bit plain, a waistcoat would have improved it a bit, too late though), so I put a cameo brooch, which I think looks great with a necktie, and a black necklace under it to give it some style.
So the outfit is composed of an oversized boyfriend shirt, skinny jeans (I'm obsessed with skinny jeans so you'll see me in them most of the time), a white necktie with black stripes, a cameo brooch, a black necklace, a cameo ring, a pair of platform shoe boots and a vintage looking bag (which is not vintage). Oh, and a leather jacket, it was chilly in the morning.

Ieri a fost tare frumos in Bucuresti, soare si destul de cald afara, dupa multe zile reci, asa ca am profitat de ocazie si am facut cateva poze cu tinuta pe care o purtam. Pozele sunt ceva mai bune decat cele din celalat post cu stil personal, parul nu a mai fost nici el asa de ravasit, progresez!
Recent am cumparat o camasa supradimensionata ca cele pe care le poarta barbatii si eram tare nerabdatoare sa o port, dar cu vremea de afara nerabdarea mea a tb sa mai astepte. Intre timp mi'am amintit ca aveam o cravata pe undeva prin sifonier si m'am gandit ca poate o sa dea bine cu camasa. Insa arata putin cam simplu, sters, cravata fiind alba cu niste dungi negre subtiri si camasa tot alba (bine tot sunt de parere ca e putin cam sters, cu toate accesoriile pe care le'am pus, poate ca o vesta ar fi imbunatatit putin, cam tarziu insa), asa ca am pus o brosa cameo, care mi se pare ca arata genial cu o cravata, si niste margele negre pt a'i conferi putin stil.
Asadar, tinuta este alcatuita din camasa "prietenului" supradimensionata, skinny jeans (sunt obsedata cu blugii skinny, asa ca o sa ma vedeti cu ei mai mereu), o cravata alba cu dungi negre, o brosa cameo, niste margele negre, un inel cameo, o pereche de botine si o geanta care arata vintage, dar nu e. Ah si o geaca de piele, a fost cam racoare de dimineata.

Selections for Fall/Winter 2011/2012

Hello there!

It passed alot since my last post, but I'm back! Unfortunately I was a bit busy, also the weather here is awful, it's so so cold, and I couldn't bring myself to post anything.
So a short post for today with mostly photos selected from different fall/winter collections presented at Paris Fashion Week, that reflect the best the fabrics, colours and lets say trends for this season. Some I've chosen because I found them to be very interesting, like Hermes and Mugler, and the rest well because I think you can find something similar in the stores, if you look hard enough, and also because I like them.

A trecut ceva vreme de la ultimul post, dar m'am intors! Din pacate am fost putin ocupata, apoi vremea de aici este ingrozitoare, este atat de frig, si nu prea am fost in stare sa ma adun ca sa postez ceva.
Asa ca un post scurt pt azi alcatuit in mare din fotografii selectate din diferite colectii de toamna/iarna prezentate la Paris Fashion Week, care reflecta cel mai bine materialele, culorile si sa zicem trendurile pt acest sezon. Unele le'am ales pt ca le'am gasit a fi tare interesante, precum Hermes si Mugler, iar restul pt ca m'am gandit ca veti gasi ceva similar in magazine, daca o sa cautati bine, si bineinteles pt ca mi'au placut.

Now the photos! (taken from http://www.vogue.it/)
Si acum imaginile!



Stripes and Black&White

As it was such a beautifull autumn day, after so many cold and rainy ones, I thought that it would be great if I would take some photos for my first personal style post. Well I've taken the photos, but their quality is not that great as I forgot to set my camera for outside photos and to clean the lenses, and the focus could be better also and my hair is a bit messy too. But all in all I think they're ok. The black&white photos I think are better (I took some b&w ones also because i really love this kind of photos). So for today my outfit was composed of a beige blazer, a striped blouse, some skinny jeans and a pair of black pumps with very high heels. As for the accessories a necklace, a cameo ring, which you can't see it very well, and a black box bag. What I love the most are the blazer which is so cozy and the pumps, I searched for them a while until I've found them.
Well I hope you'll like the outfit and the photos.

 Astazi a fost asa o zi frumoasa de toamna, dupa atatea in care a fost frig si a plouat, asa ca m'am gandit ca ar fi genial daca as face cateva poze pt primul meu post din categoria stil personal. Am facut pozele, insa calitatea nu e grozava, avand in vedere ca am uitat sa imi setez aparatul pt poze de exterior si sa curat obiectivul putin, iar focalizarea ar fi putut fi mai buna si nici parul nu sta prea bine, e putin cam ravasit. Dar in final cred ca sunt cat de cat ok. Cred ca pozele alb&negru sunt ceva mai bune (am facut si cateva alb&negru pt ca iubesc genul asta de fotografii). Pt. azi tinuta a fost alcatuita dintr'un sacou bej, o bluza in dungi, niste skinny jeans si o pereche de pantofi negri cu tocuri foarte mari. In ceea ce priveste accessoriile un colier, un inel cameo pe care nu il puteti vedea prea bine si o geanta neagra gen "cutie". Ceea ce imi place cel mai mult din toata tinuta sunt sacoul care este tare lejer si pantofii, pe care i'am cautat ceva vreme pana sa'i gasesc.
Acum sper sa va placa tinuta si pozele.

Glitter & Prints from Vivienne Westwood for F/W 2011/2012

Glitter and prints, this is what Vivienne Westwood brings to the table for her Ready-to-Wear F/W 2011/2012 collection. As she has accustomed us, again we can see bold, bright and colorful creations, different from those of the other designers. A combination of tribal & punk elements, with a strange makeup, that somehow makes me think of some egyptian dark witches or the african shamans, describes the best the style of Vivienne Westwood. After all the black and thoes very tailored collection, we needed something different, and that you know you can find it in Vivienne Westwoods collections.
For the colors we have gold, brown, orange, yellow, black, grey, some white, blue, burgundy and lots of prints, mostly in orange and brown.
Sequins dominate the podium, succeded by jersey, silk, tulle, velvet, wool and cotton.
As for the clothes, Vivienne Westwood suggests casual dresses, capes and voluminous blouses worn with high waisted pencil skirts or suits, sparkling jumpsuits, wool coats, skinny trousers in tones of gold or silver, 3/4 socks and tights with different leg colours, high waisted trousers, some knitwear, jumpsuits and day dresses in tribal prints, long skirts, for the night there are gold dresses and some black elegant ones, some dresses have exagerated proportions and the collection ends with a too safe wedding dress, in my opinion.
All the outfits are being worn with glittery gold or sparkling blue shoes and boots.
The clothes are draped and dominated by prints, some dresses have a very gothic look, for me very "Corps Bride" looking, all in all a nice collection.
The colours are not really me, I don't wear brown or orange (well except a brown bag that I've recently got) or prints, I like the draping, some pants, a skirt and the gold colour. That's it for me, I hope you'll like it.

Sclipici si imprimeuri, asta este ceea ce Vivienne Westwood aduce cu colectia sa pret-a-porter pentru toamna-iarna 2011/2012. Asa cum ne'a obisnuit, putem vedea din nou creatii curajoase, stralucitoare si pline de culoare, diferite de cele ale celorlalti designeri. O combinatie de elemente tribale si punk, cu un machiaj bizar, care ma face sa ma gandesc la niste vrajitoare egiptene sau la samanii africani, descriu cel mai bine stilul lui Vivienne Westwood. Dupa atata negru si colectii cu o croiala foarte rigida, aveam nevoie de ceva diferit, pe care stii ca il gasesti in colectiile lui Vivienne Westwood.
Ca si culori avem auriu, maro, portocaliu, galben, negru, gri, putin alb, albastru, rosu burgund si multe imprimeuri, majoritatea maro sau portocalii.
Paietele domina podiumul, urmate de jersey (tricot subtire), matase, tulle, catifea, lana si bumbac.
In ceea ce priveste hainele, Vivienne Westwood propune rochii lejere, pelerine si bluze voluminoase purtate cu fuste creion cu talie inalta sau cu costume, jumpsuituri stralucitoare, haine de lana, pantaloni skinny in nuante de auriu sau argintiu, sosete de 3/4 si ciorapi subtiri cu diferite culori pt fiecare picior, pantaloni cu talie inalta, ceva tricotaje, jumpsuituri si rochii de zi cu imprimeuri tribale, fuste lungi, pt noapte avem rochii aurii si cateva negre, mai elegante, unele rochii au proportii exagerate, iar colectia se termina cu o rochie de mireasa putin cam banala, in opinia mea.
Toate tinutele sunt purtate cu pantofi sau cizme in culori precum sclipici auriu sau albastru stralucitor.
Hainele sunt dominate de printuri, unele rochii au un aspect foarte gotic, pentru mine aduce a "Corps Bride", insa in final este o colectie interesanta.
Culorile nu sunt tocmai pt mine, nu port maro sau portocaliu (bine, exceptand ultima geanta pe care am cumparat'o, care este maro) sau imprimeuri, imi place cum sunt croite hainele, mai mi'au placut niste pantaloni, o fusta si auriul. Cam atat pt mine, sper sa va placa.

And now some pictures! (taken from http://www.vogue.it/)
Si acum cateva imagini!

F/W 2011/2012 in a Japanese View - Junya Watanabe

Today we're going to make a trip into Asian fashion, more exactly into the Ready-to-Wear F/W 2011/2012 collection of Junya Watanabe. Maybe many of you wonder why didn't i chose Kenzo, or who is Junya Watanabe. Well I really didn't like Kenzo's collection, too many prints, too southern looks, too much brown, so for me it's a no. Now, why Junya Watanabe, well because he's different, because of his very technical and tailored collections and avantgarde looks, but mostly because he's asian and you can see that in his creations, after all this is a travel into Asian fashion.
For this season the designer had in mind a very structured, dark and boyish collection, in my opinion, dominated by leather, and mostly by the leather jackets in various forms. As you'll see in the pictures it resembles greatly with the look adopted by the japanese visual key bands this year (visual key is a style of rock in Japan, for more google it) and also with the type of clothes that Japanese street fashion lovers just adore. There's a bit of a tribal look in the collection (maybe inspired by the asian tribes) in a punk atmosphere combined with traditional japanese elements (taken from the famous kimono). We'll se some oversized dresses, many layers , a typical japanese style.
Again the collection is dominated by the black colour with a tiny bit of grey, brown and some leopard print for the fur collars.
For the fabrics, leather primarily, fur, knitwear and some cotton (after all is a Japanese designer, he needs a traditional fabric).
Regarding the clothes, the main trend that Watanabe launches with this collection is the leather jacket in different forms, from the very tailored jackets to kimono like jackets. As leather being the main fabric, it's not used only for the jackets, but also for the tunics and blouses, pants and even for the dresses, but in a softer version. The jackets are worn with short and medium pleated skirts with black tights and flat boots or military boots and the blouses and leather tunics and also the knitwear ones are worn with 3/4 leather pants or tights. There are some fur coats, fur collars worn with oversized soft leather dresses, and also some fur medium skirts.
At the end I like this collection, there are many looks that I would love to wear, and I see it as a success.

Astazi vom face o excursie in moda asiatica, mai exact in colectia pret-a-porter toamna/iarna 2011/2012 a lui Junya Watanabe. Poate ca multi dintre voi se vor intreba de ce nu am ales Kenzo, sau cine este Junya Watanabe. Ei bine chiar nu mi'a placut colectia prezentata de Kenzo, prea multe imprimeuri, un look mult prea texan, ca sa zic asa, prea mult maro, asa ca pt mine este un NU categoric. Acum, de ce Junya Watanabe, pt ca e diferit, datorita colectiilor foarte tehnice si foarte bine croite si tinutelor avantgardiste, dar in mare pt ca este asiatic si pt ca asta se observa in creatiile sale, este totusi o calatorie in culisele modei asiatice.
Pentru acest sezon designerul a avut in minte, dupa parerea mea, o colectie foarte structurata, sumbra si baietoasa, dominata de piele, dar mai ales de jachetele de piele in diverse forme. Asa cum veti vedea in imagini se aseamana tare bine cu look'ul adoptat de formatiile japoneze de visual key (e un curent de muzica rock din Japonia) in acest an si, de asemenea, cu hainele pe care niponii iubitori de street fashion pur si simplu le adora. Se observa si un fel de inspiratie tribala in colectie (avand drept sursa probabil triburile asiatice) intr'o atmosfera punk combinata cu elemnte traditionale japoneze (luate bineinteles din celebrul kimono). Vom vedea si niste rochii supradimensionate, multe layere, un stil tipic japonez.
Din nou colectia este dominata de negru, ca si culoare principala, cu un strop de gri, maro si imprimeu de leopard pentru gulerele de blana.
Ca si materiale, avem pielea in prim plan, urmata de blana, tricotaj si ceva bumbac (este totusi un designer nipon, asa ca are nevoie si de un material traditional).
In ceea ce priveste hainele, trendul principal pe care Watanabe il propune prin aceasta colectie este jacheta de piele in diverse forme, de la jachete cu croiala fixa la jachete care te duc cu gandul la kimono. Fiind principalul material, designerul nu se limiteaza in a folosi pielea doar pt jachete, ci si pt tunici si bluze, pantaloni si chiar pt rochii, insa intr'o versiune mai moale, mai maleabila. Jachetele sunt purtate cu fuste plisate, scurte sau medii, cu dres negru opac si cu ghete cu talpa joasa sau ghete militare, iar bluzele si tunicile de piele si tricotajele sunt purtate cu pantaloni 3/4 sau cu dres negru opac. Apar si cateva haine de blana, gulere de blana purtate peste rochii de piele supradimensionate, si mai sunt si cateva fuste de blana.
La final imi place aceasta colectie, sunt foarte multe tinute pe care le'as purta, si o gasesc a fi un succes.

And now lets see some photos (taken from http://www.vogue.it/).
Si acum sa vedem cateva fotografii.

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