I was obsessed with this print for a while and wasn't able to find anything in the stores! Seen many pieces with this type of pattern in online shops, but I wasn't sure of the fabric and if the clothes will look good on me, you know stuff like that. But thank god, H&M exists and while I was looking through the store found this really cute dress with the swallow print! So guess what, I bought it! And I think I made a great choice, because it's very versatile! Here I'm wearing it in a more casual look, maybe if the fall doesn't come so fast I'll have the chance to show it to you in a more elegant outfit.
De o groaza de vreme am fost (si inca sunt) obsedata de hainele cu imprimeu de randunica pe ele si din pacate nu reuseam sa gasesc nimic prin magazinele de la noi! Evident se gaseau o multime de haine cu imprimeul asta in magazinele online, dar sincer nu eram foarte sigura nici de material, nici de masura, daca nu'mi venea bine ce faceam, stiti voi ce zic aici. Dar slava domnului ca exista H&M (desi la inceput n'am fost mare fan, nici acum nu ma pot numi, dar mai gasesc unele chestii dragute) si cum ma plimbam eu prin magazin vad intr'un colt rochia asta cu imprimeu de randunele pe ea! Evident ca am fost extra fericita si am cumparat'o fara sa stau pe ganduri. Si cred ca am facut o alegere tare buna, pentru ca este foarte versatila. Aici spre exemplu o port intr-o tinuta ceva mai casual, si poate daca nu vine vremea rea asa repede o sa am sansa sa v'o arat si intr'o tinuta mai eleganta.
Look how big this glass is! And it was full of pineapple lemonade!
Vedeti ce mare e paharul! A fost plin cu limonada de ananas!