Dior Fall/Winter 2011/2012 Ready-to-Wear without Galliano

Today I'm going to talk a little bit about Dior's Ready-to-Wear F/W 2011/2012 collection and what trends they're trying to launch.
As you'll see in the photos, compared to Chanel's collection, which I've covered in the earlier post, this one has a more feminine style, softer tones and fabrics. It's lighter, not as theatrical as the collections that John Galliano presented in the past (as you might know he doesn't work for Dior anymore, due to some criminal offences he was fired), but still very Dior.
It seems that the theme for this collection was the Romantic Era in English poetry (the style of English poets as William Blake, Byron, Shelley), but for me resembles more to George Sand. I would say that is the masculine style from the 18th century reinterpreted in a contemporary vision. Also the fur collars that you'll see, some dresses and the makeup reminds me more of the '20s. Maybe it's just me, but I see this collection as a mix between the 18th century and the '20s, the bohemian masculinity of the English poets and the femininity from the '20s. Perhaps I've said something stupid, but that's my opinion.
Now, lets see what trends Dior proposed for this season. For the colours we have dark tones like black, grey (as you'll see, this winter most designers prefered black and grey as their primary colours), dark blue, navy blue, bordeaux, red, olive green, also we'll see some light colours, compared to Chanel, where we had mostly dark, as white, dusty pink, light blue (used for blouses and dresses).
To show even more the romanticism of the collection the fabrics are very feminine, silk, velvet, fur, feathers, chiffon, tulle, lace, leather and some wool and knitwear.
As for the clothes we have long redingotes (not a big fan), knickerbockers (more exactly short pants), short skirts worn with chiffon blouses, velvet jackets, the dresses and most of the outfits have either a fur collar or a fur coat, also chiffon dresses, and voile dresses, large hats (don't like them at all), long leather boots with platform and high heels.
It's a great collection for those of you who love that type of clothes, for me it's not really my thing. There are about 2 or 3 outfits that I like, the leather boots are great, also I found some nice shorts and the blouses are tottaly me, the rest not really.

Astazi o sa vorbesc putin despre colectia pret-a-porter pentru toamna-iarna 2011/2012 a casei Dior si despre trendurile pe care aceasta incearca sa le lanseze.
Asa cum veti vedea in imagini, in comparatie cu colectia casei Chanel, pe care am prezentat'o intr'un post anterior, aceasta adopta un stil mult mai feminin, culori si materiale mai usoare. Este mai gratioasa, nu la fel de teatrala ca si colectiile pe care John Galliano le prezenta in trecut (asa cum probabil stiti, acesta nu mai lucreaza pentru Dior, datorita unor "divergente" pe care le'a avut cu legea a fost concediat), dar totusi specifica Dior.
Se pare ca tema pentru aceasta colectie a fost reprezentata de Era Romantica din poezia britanica (stilul unor poeti englezi ca William Blake, Byron, Shelley), insa pentru mine aduce mai mult a George Sand. As spune ca este stilul masculin al secolului al 18lea reinterpretat intr'o viziune contemporana. De asemenea, gulerele de blana pe care le veti vedea, unele rochii si machiajul imi cam amintesc de anii '20. Poate mi se pare mie, dar vad aceasta colectie ca pe un mix intre secolul al 18lea si anii '20, masculinitatea boema a poetilor englezi si feminitatea anilor '20. Poate ca am spus o prostie, dar asta e parerea mea.
Acum sa vedem ce trenduri propune Dior pentru acest sezon. In ceea ce priveste culorile avem tonuri inchise ca negru, gri (asa cum o sa vedeti, in aceasta iarna majoritatea designerilor prefera negrul si griul drept culori dominante), albastru inchis, bleumarin, bordeaux, rosu, verde masliniu, insa avem si culori mai deschise, in comparatie cu Chanel unde au predominat culorile inchise, precum alb, roz prafuit, bleu deschis (folosite in mare pentru rochii si bluze).
Pentru a scoate in evidenta si mai tare romantismul colectiei materialele sunt si ele foarte feminine: matase, catifea, blana, pene, chiffon (in romana ar veni panza, dar nu stiu de ce ma duce cu gandul la carpe de sters praful asa ca il las ca atare), tulle, dantela, piele si ceva lana si tricotaj.
In ceea ce priveste hainele avem redingote lungi (nu sunt mare fan), pantaloni scurti, fuste scurte purtate cu bluze din chiffon, jachete din catifea, rochiile si majoritatea tinutelor contin fie un guler de blana, fie o haina de blana, de asemenea, rochii din chiffon si voile, palarii mari (care nu imi plac deloc), cizme lungi din piele cu platforma si toc inalt.
Este o colectie geniala pentru cei care iubesc acest gen de haine, insa nu si pentru mine. Sunt vreo 2-3 tinute care mi'au placut mult, cizmele din piele sunt foarte tari, am gasit si niste pantaloni scurti draguti si bluzele care sunt exact stilul meu, dar restul nu chiar.

And now some photos (taken from http://www.vogue.it/).
Si acum cateva imagini.

                   At the end there's no Galliano, but all the people that worked on this collection.
                   La sfarsit nu apare Galliano, ci toti cei care au lucrat la aceasta colectie.

Until my next post!


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