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Digital Divas 2013 - Tips On Blogging And Social Media

Hello everyone!

As you know form my latest post, Friday I had the chance to go to a great conference, held in Bucharest, where I was able to find out many useful advices and strategies on how to improve my blog and my activity on social media. So now I'll present you some of these tips!

First of all, how everything started.
Thursday evening, more accurately Friday at 1.30 AM, I went to bed, in the hope that I would be able to sleep 4 hours as I had to be up at 6 AM to prepare for the conference. Well now, that was the original plan, but my neighbour didn't agree with me! He was in party mode and the music was so loud that even my walls were vibrating, so sleep if you can Adina! But finally he stopped it at 2.30 AM! My sleep was gone with the music! I've managed to finally sleep around 3 AM. At 6 AM my clock started ringing and I was so so tired, but I had to get up and put myself together.
At 7.45 I was meeting with my friend that was coming with me, of course I was late 15 minutes, typical for me! So we got a cab to go to the location, but guess what, the taxi driver didn't know where the street was exactly, awful! But we managed to get there, thanks Google Maps :D

The event started somewhere around 9.30 with the first session called "How they succeeded".
The first speaker a well known fashion blogger, Vicki Nicola, from Vikipedia. She had a speech called "Blogging & Jogging", where she compared blogging with the process of running. What is this supposed to mean, well if you start to run your a runner, same as for blogging, if you start to blog, you're a blogger. But, that doesn't mean you're number one. So you have to keep running/blogging to get to your destination, so to speak be motivated, passionate and have a constant rhythm. Those combined with your own style and personality to have a certain edge, plus consistency and your own personal touch, being the most important thing in this combination.
So we have to find what we want to do/write/are passionate about and keep writing about it, and the fruits of this labour will appear eventually.

The second speaker, Ana Morodan, form the blog High Streets Cardigans, talked about how important there is to listen to your readers, to be original and to have trust in yourself. Also you have to select the brands that you'll work with, and not compromise yourself for them. All these were accentuated by Ovidiu Buta, a fashion director at GQ Magazine, that stated how important there is to pe optimistic and positive in all this process, plus to be true and objective in what you write. Also he stated that you should write first of all for yourself. He had a very interesting and funny comparation between Grimm Brothers and Petre Ispirescu (a Romanian author) and he said that if they were in a competition we all know who would win (that being said, Grimm Brothers). This is also a fact in the world of blogging and everything else. So if the others said that in fashion and blogging there is a place for everyone, he had the courage to say, you know what, no there isn't, it's a competition and you have to try your best to be a winner.
There were two more speakers in this first session, but their stories weren't very relevant to the blogging process in my opinion.

In the second session, called "How to get inspired", we had Andreea Esca, editor in chief at "The One" magazine, who had a great speech. She tried to accentuate how important there is to do what you like most, because if you're doing something halfheartedly you won't succeed. Also you have to be serious about what you do and to try to write with passion. Also every article should have a certain story in it. So if you like what you are doing, you should do it even if success is not yet at your door.  

The second speaker, was a very famous actress from Romania, Oana Pellea, who also accentuated the importance of passion in everything you are doing and the fact that success always comes when you least expect it. She said that Facebook is a way of communication and that every communication process is a way of self-knowledge. Also she said that there isn't excellence in anything if there isn't passion. So we should all do our jobs with passion.

The third session, was dedicated mostly to Yvan Rodic, from Face Hunter (you all know who he is, no?). He spoke how he started his blog and how important there is in street style photography to connect with your subject. Also he tried to accentuate the importance of social media in blogging. He also said that (mostly for street style bloggers) is important to go to fashion events (try if you have the money Paris Fashion Week), to be original, to be consistent online, offline and in social media, and most of all to be unique. We all know how hard it is to be unique in our days.

Another speaker in this session was Catalin Opritescu from the Romanian street style blog Lightaholic, who said that you have to be patient in the blogging process, that you need quality in image and content and even if someone refuses to let you take a picture of him/her, you shouldn't give up, because there are many nice people that would love to be your subjects. Also he said, that you should try and learn how light works in photography, and do it fast you guys, because in street style you only have 1-2 minutes to take a great picture.

 In the forth session, called "How to be successful", we listen to the story behind the Absolutely Fabulous brand owned by Alina Tanasa and Diana Enciu. They said that in everything that you do you should put a lot of work and passion, and go to Fashion Week (if we all had the money we would!!!, not very helpful this stuff with fashion week).

Cristian Lupsa, the editor from "Decat o revista" ("Just a magazine") tried to accentuate that every post should have a story in it because stories are passion and emotion. You should write about your experiences, about events from your life, to try to engage your readers.

The most practical advices from this conference were from Monica Jitariuc, the managing director from The Practice Romania (PR firm). She said that we have to follow 12 steps:
  • to know who you write for and to not forget that, so try and make a study to find out who is reading your blog (from what countries, what ages, stuff like that)
  • to know who you are speaking with and what to speak (fashion readers/fashion)
  • to try and build your credentials (who you are, what you have to offer, meaning "sell" yourself in the best manner possible)
  • you should find new business for yourself, so try and be the first to contact PR agencies, because probably they won't come to you first
  • try and make some PR for yourself, so people know who you are and what you did
  • be creative, meaning say interesting stories
  • it's more than SEO
  • you need some principles and a philosophy, very important in blogging
  • don't be a loner and try to get into contact with others like you
  • you need to develop the relations from online in offline
  • you need to write in the about section about your work and realisations
  • and finally praise yourself :D
The last speaker, Bogdan Theodor Olteanu, the editor from Sub25 magazine, said something extra useful and important, for me it was the most relevant thing in this entire conference. He said: "look at your blog and ask yourself: if this blog wasn't written by me, would I follow/read it?" So we all should think at this aspect and then look at our blogs and try to improve.

 So this was what I found at the conference. I know you'll be disappointed that they didn't share how they succeeded, I know I was, but I promise you one thing: if I ever become successful I'll tell you guys what I did and how I did it :D

And now some photos, below the Romanian article! Photo credits (except the ones with the logo "by VF", which are mine) to Wide Magazine!

Dupa cum stiti, vineri am avut ocazia de a participa la conferinta Digital Divas 2013, unde am ascultat povestile de succes ale unor cunoscuti bloggeri si oameni de succes romani. Totodata, am mai aflat si una alta despre cum sa reusesti in blogging si social media. Asa ca am sa impartasesc cu voi ceea ce am aflat acolo.

In primul rand cum a inceput totul.
Era joi seara, iar eu am decis sa ma duc la culcare la ora 1.30 noaptea, in speranta ca voi dormi macar 4 ore, la 6 dimineata trebuia sa fiu in picioare, stiti cum e cu machiatul & co. Asta era planul original, dar vecinul de langa nu era pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu mine. Omul avea chef de petrecere, asa ca asculta muzica atat de tare, incat pana si peretii vibrau, gormi daca poti Adina!! A oprit-o undeva pe la 2.30 dimineata. Cu muzica lui s-a dus si somnul meu! Intr-un final am adormit, undeva pe la 3 dimineata. La 6 a sunat ceasul, evident n-aveam niciun chef sa ma trezesc, dar trebuia sa ajung la conferinta, iar la 7.45 trebuia sa ma intalnesc cu prietena care mergea cu mine acolo. Evident am intarziat 15 minute, tipic pentru mine. Am luat un taxi ca sa ajungem la locatie, adica la clubul Biavati. Culmea ironiei, taximetristul nu stia unde este clubul si nici strada. Am ajuns intr-un final, traiasca Google Maps!!! Si am aflat ca respectivul club este de fapt in locul fostului cinema Floreasca (asta in caz ca dati de vreun taximetrist care nu stie pe unde vine :)))

Evenimentul a inceput pe la ora 9.30 cu prima sesiune intitulata "Cum au reusit ei".
Primul speaker a fost bloggerita de moda Vicki Nicola de la, Vickipedia. Ea a avut un discurs intitulat "Blogging & Jogging", unde a comparat bloggingul cu alergatul. Ce vrea sa insemne asta, ei bine daca incepi sa alergi esti alergator, la fel si pentru blogging, daca incepi sa scrii la un blog, esti blogger. Dar, asta nu inseamna ce vei fi si primul. Asa ca trebuie sa continui sa alergi/sa scrii la blog pentru a ajunge la destinatie, mai exact sa fii motivat, pasionat si sa ai un ritm constant. Toate acestea combinate cu propriul tau stil si personalitate pentru a avea acel ceva special, plus consistenta si atingerea ta personala, fiind cele mai importante lucruri in aceasta combinatie.
Asadar, trebuie sa gasim ceea ce vrem sa facem/sa scriem/sau ceea ce ne pasioneaza, sa continuam sa scriem despre asta, si intr-un final au sa apara si fructele muncii noastre.

Cel de-al doilea speaker, Ana Morodan, de la blogul High Streets Cardigans, a vorbit despre cat de important este sa-ti asculti cititorii, sa fii original si sa ai incredere in tine. De asemenea, trebuie sa selectezi cu grija brandurile cu care vei lucra, si sa nu te compromiti pe tine pentru ele, Toate acestea au fost accentuate de Ovidiu Buta, director de moda la revista GQ, care a specificat cat de important este sa fii optimist si pozitiv in tot acest proces, iar in plus sa fii obiectiv in ceea ce scrii. In acelasi timp, a tinut sa precizeze ca in primul rand ar trebui sa scrii pentru tine. A avut si o comparatie interesanta si amuzanta intre Fratii Grimm si Petre Ispirescu, spunand ca daca acestia ar fi intr-o competitie, cu toti stim cine ar iesi invingator (adica Fratii Grimm). Aceasta se aplica si in lumea bloggingului si a modei. Astfel daca ceilalti doi speakeri au spus ca in moda si blogging este loc pentru toata lumea, el a avut curajul sa afirme ca, stii ceva, de fapt nu este, este o competitie si trebuie sa dai ce-i mai bun din tine pentru a iesi invingator.
Au mai fost doi speakeri in aceasta sesiunea, dar nu am gasit tocmai relevante povestile lor in procesul de blogging.

In cea de-a doua sesiune, intitualata "Cum sa devii inspirat", am avut-o pe Andreea Esca, redactor sef la The One si celebra prezentatoare se stiri (cine nu o stie pe Andreea Esca :))), care a avut un discurs tare placut. A incercat sa accentueze cat de important este sa faci ceea ce iti place, pentru ca daca faci ceva cu jumatate de masura nu vei reusi in viata. De asemenea, trebuie sa fii serios in ceea ce faci si sa scrii cu pasioune, iar fiecare articol sa aiba o anumita poveste. Asadar, daca iti place ceea ce faci, fa-o in continuare, chiar daca succesul nu a batut inca si la usa ta.

Cea de-a doua personalitate care a vorbit in aceasta sesiune, a fost celebra actrita Oana Pellea, care a accentuat si ea importanta pasiuni in tot ceea ce faci si faptul ca succesul vine atunci cand te astepti mai putin. A mai spus ca Facebook-ul este un mod de comunicare si ca fiecare proces comunicational este un mod de auto-cunoastere. A precizat si ca nu exista excelenta, daca nu exista pasiune. Asadar, cu totii ar trebui sa ne facem meseriile cu pasiune.

A treia sesiune a fost dedicata in mare cunoscutului blogger de street style, Yvan Rodic, de la Face Hunter (banuiesc ca stiti site-ul, nu?). El a vorbit despre cum si-a inceput blogul si cat de important este in fotografia de street style sa ai o conexiune cu subiectul. A incercat sa accentueze si importanta site-urilor de social media in blogging. A mai spus, in mare pentru bloggerii de street style, cat de important este sa mergi la evenimente legate de moda (daca ai bani de preferat Paris Fashion Week), sa fii original, consistent atat in online, offline, cat si social media, si mai presus de toate, sa fii unic. Cu totii stim cat de dificil este in zilele noastre sa fii unic.

Un alt vorbitor din aceasta sesiune a fost Catalin Opritescu de la blogul de street style Lightaholic, care a spusca trebuie sa ai rabdare in blogging, ca ai nevoie de calitate atat in imagine, cat si in continut si ca desi poate unii te refuza si nu te lasa sa le faci o fotografie, nu ar trebui sa renunti, pentru ca sunt o groaza de oameni binevoitori carora le-ar face placere sa apara in pozele tale. A mai precizat ca trebuie sa inveti cum functioneaza lumina in fotografie, si ar fi bine sa te prinzi repede de acest lucru, pentru ca in fotografia de strada nu ai decat 1-2 minute ca sa faci o poza grozava.

In cea de-a patra sesiune intitulata "Cum sa ai succes", am ascultat povestea din spatele brandului Absolutely Fabulous, detinut de Alina Tanasa si Diana Enciu. Ele au spus ca in tot ceea ce faci e bine sa depui mult efort si pasiune si duceti-va la saptamana modei din Paris (probabil ca daca am avea ne-am duce cu totii, nu mi s-a parut de ajutor treaba asta cu saptamana modei).

Cristian Lupsa, editor la "Decat o revista" a incercat sa accentueze faptul ca fiecare articol/postare ar trebui sa aibe o oveste, pentru ca povestile inseamna pasiune si emotii. Ar trebui sa scrii despre experientele tale, despre evenimente din viata ta, pentru a incerca sa-ti captivezi cititorii.

Cred ca cele mai practice sfaturi au venit de la Monica Jitariuc, director la The Practice Romania (firma de PR). Ea a spus ca trebuie sa urmam 12 pasi:
  • sa stii pentru cine scrii si sa nu uiti asta, asa ca incearca sa faci un studiu pentru a afla cine iti citeste blogul (din ce tari, ce categorii de varsta, chestii de genul)
  • sa stii cu cine vorbesti si ce vorbesti (cu oameni pasionati de moda/despre moda)
  • sa incerci sa iti construiesti asa numitele scrisori de acreditare (adica cine esti, ce ai de oferit, adica sa incerci sa te "vinzi" in cea mai buna maniera)
  • ar trebui sa gasesti oportunitati/afaceri noi pentru tine, asa ca fii tu primul care contacteaza agentiile de PR, pentru ca cel mai probabil nu vor veni ele la tine
  • incearca sa-ti faci un pic de PR, ca oamenii sa stie cine esti si ce ai facut
  • sa fii creativ, sa spui povesti interesante
  • it's more than SEO (adica, bloggingul nu inseamna doar SEO)
  • ai nevoie de niste principii si o filosofie, lucru extrem de important in blogging
  • nu fi un singuratic, incearca sa intri in contact cu cei din breasla ta
  • incearca sa dezvolti relatiile din online si in offline
  • incearca sa scrii in sectiunea About me despre munca si si realizarile tale
  • si in fina lauda-te :D
Ultimul care a vorbit a fost Bogdan Theodor Olteanu, editor la revista Sub25. El a spus un lucru extrem de ajutator si important, pentru mine cred ca a fost cel mai relevant lucru din intreaga conferinta. A spus: "uita-te la blogul tau si intreaba-te: daca blogul asta nu ar fi scris de mine, l-as mai citi sau urmari?". Asa ca toti ar trebui sa avem in vedere acest aspect si sa ne uitam la blogurile noastre si sa incercam sa le imbunatatim.

Asta am aflat eu la conferinta. Stiu ca probabil veti fi dezamagite din cauza ca vorbitorii nu au impartasit din strategiile lor. Adica nu au spus cum au reusit, ci doar ce ar fi bine sa faci. Insa va promit ca daca voi ajunge vreodata celebra/om de succes/blogger de succes am sa va impartasesc tot ceea ce am facut eu pentru a ajunge acolo :D

Si acum cateva poze de la eveniment! Tin sa precizez ca toate pozele, exceptandu-le pe cele cu logo-ul "by VF" sunt luate de pe site-ul revistei Wide Magazine!

 Vicki Nicola, the first speaker.

 Ana Morodan

Ovidiu Buta

 Andreea Esca

 Oana Pellea

Catalin Opritescu

 Yvan Rodic

Alina Tanasa & Diana Enciu

P.S.: Yes, we had food and delicious cakes!
P.S.: Da, am avut si mancare, plus niste prajituri delicioase!

Until my next post!

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